Monday, May 18, 2020
Samples of Tourism Thesis - 1096 Words
IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATIONAL TOUR TO THE STUDENTS OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN TOURISM MANAGEMENT IN BATAAN PENINSULA STATE UNIVERSITY MAIN CAMPUS 2012-2013 ______________________________ An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the College of Arts and Sciences Bataan Peninsula State University ______________________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management ______________________________ by Aldrin Gerald R. Galiste October 2012 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Above all I would like to thank God for making me strong as I make this thesis, for making me alive and stable during midnight and for giving me the knowledge and ability to do this. Next is to our dean Dr. Felicisima†¦show more content†¦PART I. Personal Information Directions: Put a check (√) to your corresponding answer. Only one (1) answer per question is allowed. Name (Optional): ________________________________________________________ Age: _________ Sex: _____ Male Civil Status: ______ Single _____ Female ______ Married Year Level: ______ 1st ______ 2nd ______ 3rd ______ 4th PART II. Directions: Put a check (√) to your corresponding answer. Only one (1) answer per question is allowed. 1. Do you think educational tours are needed for a tourism student or it is just a waste of time and money? _____ yes _____ not needed 2. Do you think educational tours will help a lot in the future of the tourism students? _____ yes _____ no 3. Is there a distinction in joining the tour or not? _____ there is _____ there is no 4. Do you think it will be a big loss in your life if you did not join any of the educational tours? ____ yes ____ no 5. Do you think there will be a big advantage for you if you will join on these tours? _____ yes _____ no Aldrin Gerald R. 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