Friday, September 4, 2020
Assault weapons gun ban Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Attack weapons firearm boycott - Essay Example The explanation behind which Jimmy Carter, alongside George W. Bramble and Bill Clinton, bolstered this law must be examined. This law got went in 1994 and lapsed in ten years. At the point when the law was moving toward lapse date different police associations, including police boss and sheriffs, have requested for its reestablishment. They approached the President of that opportunity to recharge and fortify the law. Yet, with a radiance from the White House, protestors request won and the boycott was ended. Carter by and by possessed various kinds of firearm which incorporates â€Å"two handguns, four shotguns and three rifles, two with scopes†(Carter, n.p.). He and his different companions esteemed the responsibility for weapons. He utilized these weapons to chase in his family woods and field and incidentally he additionally took his family alongside his companions for chasing. He and his companion used to develop enhance thoughts to do different things on the firearm. He even used to show huge numbers of them in the white house. As per Carter, in the event of chasing on the off chance that one keeps up security there ought not be any issue. Be that as it may, neither Carter nor his companions needed to gangs such an attack firearm. Since they accepted that the attack firearms were utilized to either slaughter police officers or some other non military personnel. He accepted that White House ought not have quit any pretense of attempting to fortify the law, regardless of whether there were loads of political troubles. A ton of feelings were additionally joined with the boycott of the Assault Weapons. The N.R.A. pioneers were profoundly impacted by the gun business and they began accepting that the guns were being grabbed away from them and the house proprietors were denied of approaches to ensure themselves. He contends that the fire business and other administering specialists ought to reevaluate the wellbeing and responsibility and ought to establ ish the boycott once more. What's more, on the off chance that the government officials dread the objection to N.R.A during political decision, at that point it was not in any way a strong explanation (Carter, n.p.). The perspective on Wheeler ought to likewise be evaluated so as to have away from of the law. Wheeler has pointed a few expectations by examining the brain science of the hoodlums. He contends that attack firearms were not utilized by the lawbreakers since they were hard to stow away. The information of National Institute of Justice says that â€Å"Assault Weapons were utilized in less than eight percent of firearm wrongdoings even before the ban†(Wheeler, n.p.). Besides the lawbreakers were increasingly disposed to utilize top notch hand firearm. â€Å"Handgun Epidemic Lowering Plan (HELP Network)†(Wheeler, n.p.) says that the finish of the boycott over the ambush firearm would prompt an influx of increment wrongdoing. Also, that the base of all indecen cies was the weapon. Be that as it may, this conviction had no premise. As the frenzy of the ambush firearm blurred, the activists attempt to find another kind of weapon. â€Å"California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s work area lies a bill to boycott .50 gauge rifles†(Wheeler, n.p.). That has come about into the legend that the psychological oppressors utilized .50-gauge rifles and ambush rifles were utilized by the hoodlums. However, the reports really proposed that .50 bore was utilized by the crooks moreover. Wheeler additionally contends that Assault Weapon was purposely distorted by the counter heavy weapons specialists as automatic rifles. In the year 2003 CNN demonstrated a video of assault rifle and
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Gender Roles in Society Essay -- Gender Role Behaviors and Attitudes
â€Å"Boys will be young men, and young ladies will be girls†: not many of our social legends appear as normal as this one. However, in this investigation of the sexual orientation flags that customarily determine what a â€Å"boy†or â€Å"girl†should look and act like, Aaron Devor shows how these signs are not â€Å"natural†at everything except rather are social builds. While the great prompts of masculinityâ€aggressive stance, self-assurance, an intense appearanceâ€and the conventional indications of femininityâ€gentleness, lack of involvement, solid supporting instinctsâ€are regularly considered â€Å"normal,†Devor clarifies that they are in no way, shape or form organic or mental necessities. For sure, he recommends, they can be luxuriously blended and differed, or to summarize the old Kinks melody â€Å"Lola,†â€Å"Boys can be young ladies and young ladies can be boys.†Devor is dignitary of sociologies at the Uni versity of Victoria and creator of Gender Blending: Confronting the Limits of Duality (1989), from which this choice is excerpted, and FTM: Female-to-Male Transsexuals in Society (1997). The bunches of social definitions used to distinguish people by sexual orientation are all in all known as â€Å"femininity†and â€Å"masculinity.†Masculine qualities are utilized to recognize people as guys, while ladylike ones are utilized as signifiers for femaleness. Individuals use womanliness or manliness to guarantee and impart their participation in their doled out, or picked, sex or sexual orientation. Others perceive our sex or sex more based on these attributes than based on sex qualities, which are normally to a great extent canvassed by attire in day by day life. These two groups of qualities are most ordinarily observed as identical representations of each other with manliness generally described by strength and animosity, and womanliness by inactivity and s... ...socially coordinated hormonal directions which determine that females will need to have youngsters and will in this way get themselves moderately vulnerable and reliant on guys for help and assurance. The blueprint asserts that guys are naturally forceful and serious and in this way will command over females. The social authority of this philosophy guarantees that we are totally raised to rehearse sex jobs which will affirm this vision of the idea of the genders. Luckily, our preparation to sex jobs is neither finished nor uniform. Subsequently, it is conceivable to highlight countless exemptions to, and minor departure from, these subjects. Natural proof is dubious about the wellspring of sex jobs; mental hermaphrodism is a broadly acknowledged idea. It appears to be probably that sexual orientation jobs are the consequence of methodical force awkward nature dependent on sex discrimination.9
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Essays for the American Pageant, 14th Ed. Free Essays
Expositions for The American Pageant, fourteenth ed. Section One 1. From the point of view of Native Americans, the Spanish and English domains in America had a bigger number of similitudes than contrasts. We will compose a custom exposition test on Expositions for the American Pageant, fourteenth Ed. or then again any comparable point just for you Request Now Evaluate the legitimacy of this speculation. Reaction Strategy It is imperative to build up an away from on the legitimacy of the announcement at the beginning of the exposition. A decent exposition could be created on either side of the issue or on the side of a center of â€the-street position. Supporting sections ought to be created to construct the position picked. Both the Spanish and the English regarded the Native Americans as inferiors, thought it imperative to bring them Christianity, tried to benefit financially from relations with the Native Americans, and constrained some Native Americans into servitude. Both carried horrendous maladies to the New World, however the Spanish effect was all the more wrecking on account of prior appearance. The Spanish endeavored to coordinate Native Americans into their provincial social orders through intermarriage and through the foundation of agrarian networks with Native American specialists. The English isolated themselves from Native American life to a more noteworthy degree and depended for the most part on exchange for monetary addition. 2. Assess the degree of settlement and impact of three of these gatherings of non-English pilgrims in North America before 1775. French Dutch Scots Irish German African Response Strategy It is imperative to bring up that English pioneers were a clear greater part of those in North America during the whole eighteenth century. In any case, the extent declined from around twenty to one of every 1700 to just around three to one by 1775. So a decent article should bring up that the centrality of non-English gatherings was expanding. The following errand is to choose three gatherings from the rundown and portray the impact of each. Of the non-English pioneers, the biggest gathering comprised of Africans, the majority of whom were oppressed and compelled to move. The laws and social traditions that empowered the establishment of servitude to exist were solidly set up by the 1700s. There were oppressed Africans in the entirety of the settlements, however the training was generally predominant in the South, because of the work serious fare crops basic there. The French had generally little settlements in the St. Lawrence River valley, yet applied financial impact over huge territories of the inside through exchange and preacher exercises. Since French financial force equaled that of England, the English dreaded the French pilgrims more than those from different nations, until the French settlements went under English standard in 1763. The Dutch initially controlled the Hudson River valley as a different state, however this had been consumed by New York by the 1700s. Dutch names stayed significant there and Dutch social traditions were compelling. The relative neediness and the free soul of a large number of the Scots Irish pilgrims is exhibited by their propensity to settle along the western outskirts on the two sides of the Appalachians from Pennsylvania southward. They kept up their Presbyterian religion, and a past filled with battles with the Church of England implied that they were probably not going to regard the English pioneer governments. German pilgrims found themselves generally in Pennsylvania where they were called â€Å"Pennsylvania Dutch. †They kept up generally prosperous cultivating networks and attempted to remain socially separate from the English. . Clarify the hypothesis of mercantilism and the job in played in inciting Americans to revolt in 1776. Article A (Strong) In the seventeenth and eighteenth hundreds of years, the arrangement of monetary thoughts that won in the administrations of a few driving European countries came to be called mercantilism. In light of these thoughts, English pioneers settled on choices that were more beneficial to the homeland than they were to the provinces. While this brought about some discontent among the homesteaders, mercantilism without anyone else was not answerable for the demonstrations of resistance in 1776. Mercantilism assumed a job in American autonomy, however it was just one of various thoughts and occasions that were significant. Mercantilist thoughts underlined that countries ought to endeavor toward monetary independence and that the intensity of a country ought to be estimated by the measure of its gold and silver stores. At last, a country ought to organize to deliver all that it required for its own residents and sell surpluses to for hard money. This metal save, thusly, could be utilized in crisis circumstances to pay for wars or explain deficiencies. States, similar to those England had in North America, had a significant influence in this financial condition. They could assist England with turning out to be independent by creating things that couldn't be made or developed there, for example, tobacco, sugar, and tall poles for ships. Homesteaders could likewise give a market to British merchandise, especially made items, for example, woolen material or beaver caps. This implied the home economy in England could turn out to be all the more completely created, while the pioneer economies were consigned to a job of providing crude materials. To protect that the American provinces would add to this general feeling of British riches, different Navigation Acts were passed starting in 1650 to manage exchange between the settlements, England, and the remainder of the world. Much of the time, ships conveying American items to other European nations needed to stop in England first to pay obligations before forging ahead. Additionally, merchandise venturing out to and from America must be conveyed in English or American boats, not Dutch or French, paying little heed to the source or goal of the cargoes. Besides, the necessity that gold and silver be spent to buy English products implied that there was an incredible deficiency of cash in the states. They could just acquire these valuable metals by unlawful exchange with the French and the Spanish settlements. The British option to invalidate provincial laws that tangled with the mother country’s targets implied that endeavors of states to give paper cash were once in a while ended as a result of worries by English banks and shippers. The settlers regularly hated these interruptions by British specialists and the subsequent confinements on monetary chances. Regardless of the presence of the mercantilist approaches, relations among Britain and its North American settlements were generally acceptable through the vast majority of the 1600s and 1700s. Incompletely this was on the grounds that the Navigation Acts were not very much implemented during the time of â€Å"salutary neglect†and the provincial economies developed. Additionally the Americans increased a few favorable circumstances from the framework, for example, the tobacco restraining infrastructure. Relations got stressed to the point of defiance simply after 1763. The regal government started to force burdens on the homesteaders, for example, Sugar Act, the Stamp Act, and the Townshend Acts. While these new assessments bore some relationship to the mercantilist control of the pioneer economies, they were principally roused by England’s need to pay the costs of a continuous battle with France. There was likewise a developing mindfulness among the homesteaders of the extreme Whig thoughts that freedoms and monetary employment could be lost to a degenerate government except if effectively secured, so pioneers were prepared to revolt when England attempted to expand its frontier income stream. Mercantilist thoughts set up a circumstance in which the financial interests of the American homesteaders were subjected to those of England. Be that as it may, this by itself was not adequate to make the pilgrims rebel. The circumstance tipped toward insubordination after 1763 in light of England’s war-related costs and on the grounds that the settlers were getting increasingly mindful of their privileges and the need to protect them. Article B Mercantilism was a monetary arrangement that underscored that, to be effective, a country needed to bring in cash. This implied it needed to sell more than it purchased and develop gold and silver stores. The British emphatically had confidence in this arrangement. This drove the homesteaders to revolt in 1776 for three reasonsâ€trade limitations, financial deficiencies, and an absence of regard for frontier rights. The Navigation Acts necessitated that the pioneers could exchange certain listed items just with England. This implied tobacco cultivators and others needed to offer to England, in any event, when better costs could be acquired somewhere else. Additionally, things sent to and from the American states needed to go in English or American boats, in any event, when different countries may be the clients or may have the option to transport things all the more economically. Here and there trades being send from the settlements to different nations needed to land in England first to pay obligations to the English. These exchange limitations restricted monetary open doors for the pilgrims, however there were different complaints also. Assembling was disheartened in the settlements since England need to gain cash by sending items, for example, woolen material to America to be sold for hard money. This thusly made American be shy of gold and silver. At that point they couldn't accepting and offer things to one another aside from through trade. After the French and Indian War, England needed more cash to pay for the costs acquired in battling France. Since England had been accustomed to thinking about the settlers as subordinates under mercantilist approaches, they didn't spare a moment about passing extra duties, for example, the loathed Stamp Act. The pioneers truly began to feel compromised and started to talk defiance. The financial circumstance and the absence of regard for pilgrim rights brought about by mercantilism were answerable for inciting the pioneers to revolt in 1776. Paper C (Weak) Mercantilism was a framework set up by England to manage traders. It said what each could sell and what amount burdens each would need to pay. The shippers in the provinces loathed this more than the vendors in England b
Wilfred Owen Trial Essay Example
Wilfred Owen Trial Essay To value the sonnets of Wilfred Owen, the key subjects should initially be comprehended: nationalistic penance, pointlessness of war and the genuine repulsions of war; these characteristics are what make Owen’s War verse important while picking up understanding the abhorrences of those caught in War. The Poems Anthem for Doomed Youth, Disabled and Futility uncover various characteristics of war however and upheld by the establishment of the topics of pointless and the genuine penance of War. Every sonnet uncovers Owen’s plan in uncovering the penance and intensity of the human spirit.Anthem for Doomed Youth through uncovering the revulsions and pointlessness of War permit the responder to really acknowledge Owen’s verse. Alliterative expression alongside aural symbolism is utilized in â€Å"stuttering rifles fast rattle†gives knowledge into the consistent sounds and detestations of war. Owen investigates the division of death through aural symbolism as th e steady stable of death can leave a solider â€Å"disabled†, featuring the aversion of war. Representation is uncovered through exemplification in â€Å"Bugle’s calling†which features the authentic setting of the â€Å"bugles†calling the warriors to battle is currently calling them to rise by and by and serve the nationalistic penance and feed the progressing appetite of the War.Owen endeavors to enlighten the futility of War just as the oddity of life and passing as each ensured triumph, comes ensured â€Å"sacrifice†. Illustration is uncovered through exemplification in â€Å"demented ensemble of howling shells†featuring the inference to a memorial service ensemble calling for more penance by the abrupt weapons of war. Owen endeavors to feature that even the weapons of war are â€Å"wailing†at the pointless penance of the loathsomeness in war. The crowd can increase a strong thankfulness for the verse of Wilfred Owen through th e wisely uncovering how the impacting objects of War together distinguish the penances of war; uncovering the obliviousness of the instructing generals.Appreciation of Wilfred Owen can ceaselessly be uncovered by Anthem for Doomed youth as it uncovered the genuine aural and visual disappointment of War. Analogy and alliterative expression is utilized to build â€Å"drawing down of the blinds†to give understanding into the Catch 22 of penance. Owen uncovered that with the finish of every day come the finish of life in war as an ever increasing number of penances are expected to satisfy the â€Å"useless†reason for war. Embodiment and verb modifier is utilized to develop â€Å"monstrous outrage of firearms â€Å" as Owen uncovered that even the weapons of war are debilitated and irate at the penance of war. â€Å"Patter out†through saying is made to feature that through the annoyance and pity of the weapons of war; numerous lives are â€Å"pattered out of ex istence†which uncovered the continuous topic of the futile of war. Non-serious inquiry and illustration are developed in â€Å"who bite the dust as cattle?†to give understanding into the fated idea of officers to be raised and relinquished as steers. Owen uncovered the Catch 22 of war as men must be utilized as â€Å"cattle†to take care of the continuous appetite of the butcher of war. Owen adroitly provokes the crowd to comprehend the enduring impacts of War as the revulsions are not simply contained in the bounds of battle.Appreciation of Owen’s sonnets can likewise be uncovered by the visual symbolism which is made in the sonnet of Disabled. â€Å"Slob like relish†is utilized by Owen through the visual symbolism just as â€Å"drooping tongues†to give knowledge into the outcome of War as it penances all that it contacts, leaving a few warriors the living dead. â€Å"Faces the dead have ravished†through analogy uncovered the det estations of war as much after death, the men despite everything have not had the option to expel the scars of death from their fantasies. Owen gives knowledge into the Catch 22 of the handicapped as they can no longer speak with the outside world, nor would they be able to leave their frightened brain, leaving them in consistent equal of death. Allegory is developed through comparison in â€Å"Dawn tears open like an injury that drains afresh†to give knowledge into the continuum of War as it effect can never be mended. Owen permits the peruser to imagine the mystery of War similarly as with its continuation more men must â€Å"bleed afresh†for its headway. Through Disabled, the crowd can acknowledge the conceivable characteristics of Nationalistic penance, making the abhorrences of war which permit the valuation for Owen’s adroit poetry.Futility by Wilfred Owen permits the responder to acknowledge Owen’s verse on an alternate setting through the partic ular thought of fated destiny. Owen utilizes the all-inclusive allegory of â€Å"seeds†as the men are developed from â€Å"clay†to be separated and butchered for their foreordained destiny of penance for a Nationalistic reason. Owen proceeds with the all-inclusive similitude with the â€Å"sun†as the â€Å"sun†or the officers of war have raised the youthful â€Å"seeds†to develop as men and serve the reason for penance. It is through the nature of understanding Owen’s unmistakable thought of foreordained destiny that the responder can value the idea of knowledge Owen’s verse gives.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Battle of Stoney Creek in the War of 1812
Skirmish of Stoney Creek in the War of 1812 The Battle of Stoney Creek was battled June 6, 1813, during the War of (1812-1815). Having led an effective land and/or water capable arriving on the Lake Ontario side of the Niagara Peninsula in late May, American powers prevailing with regards to catching Fort George. Gradually pushing west after the withdrawing British, U.S. troops digs in the evening of June 5-6, 1813. Trying to recapture the activity, the British propelled a night assault that brought about the foe withdrawing and the catch of two American officers. The triumph drove Major General Henry Dearborn to unite his military around Fort George and to a great extent finished the American risk on the promontory. Foundation On May 27, 1813, American powers prevailing with regards to catching Fort George on the Niagara boondocks. Having been crushed, the British officer, Brigadier General John Vincent, deserted his posts along the Niagara River and pulled back west to Burlington Heights with around 1,600 men. As the British withdrew, the American authority, Major General Henry Dearborn, united his situation around Fort George. A veteran of the American Revolution, Dearborn had become a latent and ineffectual authority in his mature age. Sick, Dearborn was delayed to seek after Vincent. At last arranging his powers to pursue Vincent, Dearborn appointed the assignment to Brigadier General William H. Winder, a political nominee from Maryland. Moving west with his detachment, Winder ended at Forty Mile Creek as he accepted the British power was too solid to even think about attacking. Here was joined by an extra unit directed by Brigadier General John Chandler. Senior, Chandler accepted in general order of the American power which currently numbered around 3,400 men. Pushing on, they came to Stoney Creek on June 5 and settled. The two officers set up their central station at the Gage Farm. Exploring the Americans Looking for data on the moving toward American power, Vincent dispatched his appointee collaborator aide general, Lieutenant Colonel John Harvey, to scout the camp at Stoney Creek. Coming back from this strategic, detailed that the American camp was ineffectively protected and that Chandlers men were severely situated to help one another. Because of this data, Vincent chose to push ahead with a night assault against the American situation at Stoney Creek. To execute the strategic, framed a power of 700 men. Despite the fact that he went with the section, Vincent appointed operational control to Harvey. Clash of Stoney Creek Strife: War of 1812Date: June 6, 1813Armies Commanders:AmericansBrigadier General William H. WinderBrigadier General John Chandler1,328 men (engaged)BritishBrigadier General John VincentLieutenant Colonel John Harvey700 menCasualties:Americans: 17 executed, 38 injured, 100 missingBritish: 23 slaughtered, 136 injured, 52 caught, 3 missing The British Move Withdrawing Burlington Heights around 11:30 p.m. on June 5, the British power walked east through the haziness. With an end goal to keep up the component of shock, Harvey requested his men to expel the stones from their rifles. Moving toward the American stations, the British had the benefit of knowing the American secret phrase for the afternoon. Stories with respect to how this was gotten change from Harvey learning it to it being passed on the British by a nearby. In either case, the British prevailing with regards to wiping out the primary American station they experienced. Propelling, they moved toward the previous camp of the U.S. 25th Infantry. Prior in the day, the regiment had moved in the wake of concluding that the site was too presented to even think about attacking. Thus, just its cooks stayed at the open air fires making dinners for the next day. Around 2:00 a.m., the British were found as some of Major John Nortons Native American warriors assaulted an American station and clamor discipline was broken. As the American soldiers raced to fight, Harveys men re-embedded their rocks as the component of shock had been lost. <img information srcset= 300w, 481w, 662w, 1024w information src= src=//:0 alt=Battle of Stoney Creek class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-16 information following container=true /> Clash of Stoney Creek, June 6, 1813. Open Domain Battling in the Night Arranged on high ground with their mounted guns on Smiths Knoll, the Americans were in a solid position once they had recaptured their balance from the underlying astonishment. Keeping up a consistent fire, they dispensed overwhelming misfortunes on the British and turned around a few assaults. Notwithstanding this achievement, the circumstance started to rapidly break down as the murkiness created turmoil on the war zone. Learning of a danger to the American left, Winder requested the U.S. fifth Infantry to that territory. In doing as such, he left the American gunnery unsupported. As Winder was making this blunder, Chandler rode to explore terminating on the right. Riding through the haziness, he was incidentally expelled from the fight when his pony fell (or was shot). Hitting the ground, he was taken out for quite a while. Looking to recapture the energy, Major Charles Plenderleath of the British 49th Regiment assembled 20-30 men for an assault on the American mounted guns. Energizing Gages Lane, they prevailing with regards to overpowering Captain Nathaniel Towsons artillerymen and turning the four firearms on their previous proprietors. Coming back to his detects, Chandler heard battling around the weapons. Uninformed of their catch, he moved toward the position and was immediately taken prisoner. A comparative destiny came to pass for Winder a brief timeframe later. With the two officers in foe hands, order of the American powers tumbled to cavalryman Colonel James Burn. Looking to switch things around, he drove his men forward however because of the murkiness erroneously assaulted the U.S. sixteenth Infantry. Following forty-five minutes of befuddled battling, and accepting the British to have more men, the Americans pulled back east. Consequence Worried that the Americans would gain proficiency with the little size of his power, Harvey withdrew west into the forested areas at sunrise in the wake of carting away two of the caught firearms. The following morning, they looked as Burns men came back to their previous camp. Consuming abundance arrangements and gear, the Americans at that point withdrew to Forty Mile Creek. English misfortunes in the battling numbered 23 murdered, 136 injured, 52 caught, and three missing. American setbacks numbered 17 executed, 38 injured, and 100 caught, including both Winder and Chandler. Withdrawing to Forty Mile Creek, Burn experienced fortifications from Fort George under Major General Morgan Lewis. Assaulted by British warships in Lake Ontario, Lewis got worried about his gracefully lines and started withdrawing towards Fort George. Having been shaken by the annihilation, Dearborn lost his nerve and combined his military into a tight edge around the post. The circumstance exacerbated on June 24 when an American power was caught at the Battle of Beaver Dams. Infuriated by Dearborns rehashed disappointments, Secretary of War John Armstrong evacuated him on July 6 and dispatched Major General James Wilkinson to take order. Winder would later be traded and told American soldiers at the Battle of Bladensburg in 1814. His thrashing there permitted British soldiers to catch and consume Washington, DC.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Meet The Faceless Old Woman at Book Riot Live
Meet The Faceless Old Woman at Book Riot Live Welcome to Night Vale fans, rejoice! Mara Wilson is joining the line-up at Book Riot Live. via GIPHY If youre not a Night Vale resident, you might also know Wilson as a former child-actor, current storyteller, Tweeter extraordinaire, and soon-to-be author of the memoir Where Am I Now? (coming in September of 2016). Tackling everything from what she learned about sex on the set of Melrose Place, to discovering in adolescence that she was no longer “cute†enough for Hollywood, her essay collection charts her journey from accidental fame to relative (but happy) obscurity. Cant wait to see her speak but dont have your ticket yet? Get $20 off with code BOOKNERD. Subscribe to Events to receive news and announcements about sitewide events, including daylong and weeklong bookish celebrations, as well as announcements of our Best Of and Anticipated books. Thank you for signing up! Keep an eye on your inbox.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Personal Statement Assignment for a College Scholarship - 550 Words
Personal Statement Assignment for a College Scholarship (Scholarship Essay Sample) Content: NameInstructorSubjectDatePersonal Statement for a College ScholarshipI am an international student at Northern Oklahoma College. I was born and raised in Saudi Arabia, where I attended elementary, middle and high school. I have liked the sciences since high school, and I won a superiority award for being the best student in biology. I graduated top of my class in high school, earning myself a government college scholarship to study in the U.S. In my first years I received a Presidents Honor Roll award, and I hope to build on this achievement and win the Deans award in the next semester. The drive I have to excel in my studies is inspired by a strong desire to become an influential person in society by inventing computer programs that will have a beneficial impact in peoples lives. Moving to the U.S. presented several challenges not only in terms of adapting into a new cultural environment, but also adjusting to a competitive educational system. As a result, I had a ch allenging freshman year as I worked hard to keep up with the high pace of learning in American colleges. In addition to striving to maintain high academic standards, my other challenge is the high tuition fee and cost of living in the U.S., which I believe is a big obstacle to many college students from low and middle income families. It is my strong believe that if college tuition was affordable, far more students will have access to high education. Graduating from university not only provide students with the opportunity to uplift the living standards of their families, but also to contribute to the social and economic progress of society in general. Through the learning opportunity that the scholarship will offer me, I hope that I will continue my studies up to university level and beyond, and use the knowledge I will gain to contribute to societys social and economic progress.In applying for this scholarship, my desire is to overcome the financial constrains associated with coll ege education, and allow me to concentrate in my studies without any pressure. I come from a large family, and I am the middle child among nine siblings. Despite my father being a government employee, he is struggling to provide for our big family, with a large portion of his income going towards paying for school fees. My mother is a housewife, and my father is struggling to make end meets because he is the familys sole bread winner. My earnest hope is th...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Positions and Duties on Board a Pirate Ship
While pirates and their ships have taken on mythic status, a pirate ship was an organization much like any other business. Each crew member had a specific role to play and a set of duties to perform that went with it. Life on a pirate ship was much less strict and regimented than it would have been aboard a Royal Navy ship or merchant vessel of the time, however, everyone was expected to do their jobs. As with any other ship, there was a command structure and hierarchy of roles. The better-run and organized the pirate ship, the more successful it was. Ships that lacked discipline or suffered poor leadership generally didn’t last very long. The following list of standard positions aboard a pirate ship is a whos who and whats what of buccaneers and their shipboard duties. The Captain Hulton Archive/Stringer/Getty Images Unlike the Royal Navy or merchant service, in which the captain was a man with a great deal of nautical experience and complete authority, a pirate captain was elected by the crew, and his power was only absolute in the heat of battle or when giving chase. At other times, the captains wishes could be overruled by a simple majority vote. Pirates tended to prefer their captains to be even-tempered and neither too aggressive or too meek. A good captain had to be able to judge when a potential ship could outman them, as well as know which quarry would be easy pickings. Some captains, such as Blackbeard or Black Bart Roberts, had great charisma and easily recruited new pirates to their cause. Captain William Kidd was most famous for being caught and executed for his piracy. Navigator It was hard to find a good navigator during the Golden Age of Piracy. Trained navigators were able to use the stars to determine a ships latitude and therefore could sail from east to west with reasonable ease. Figuring out longitude, however, was much harder, so sailing north to south involved a lot of guesswork. Since pirate ships often ranged far and wide in search of their prizes, sound navigation was crucial. (For example, â€Å"Black Bart†Roberts worked much of the Atlantic Ocean, from the Caribbean to Brazil to Africa.) If there was a skilled navigator aboard a prize ship, pirates would often kidnap him and force him to join their crew. Sailing charts were also considered extremely valuable and were confiscated as booty. Quartermaster After the captain, the quartermaster had the most authority aboard ship. He was in charge of seeing that the captain’s orders were carried out and handled the day-to-day operations of the ship. When there was plunder, the quartermaster divided it up among the crew according to the number of shares each man received as his due. The quartermaster was also in charge of discipline with regard to minor matters such as fighting or casual derelictions of duty. (More severe offenses went before a pirate tribunal.) Quartermasters often inflicted punishments such as floggings. The quartermaster also boarded prize vessels and determined what to take and what to leave behind. Generally, the quartermaster received a double share, the same as the captain. Boatswain The boatswain, or bosun, was in charge of keeping the ship in shape for travel and battle, looking after the wood, canvas, and ropes that were vital to swift and safe sailing. The bosun often led shore parties to restock supplies or find material for repairs when needed. He oversaw activities such as dropping and weighing the anchor, setting the sails, and making sure the deck was swabbed. An experienced boatswain was a very valuable man who often got a share-and-a-half of loot. Cooper Since wooden barrels were the best way to store food, water, and other necessities of life at sea, they were considered extremely important, so every ship needed a cooperâ€â€a man skilled in making and maintaining barrels. (If your last name is Cooper, somewhere far back in your family tree, there was probably a barrel maker.) Existing storage barrels had to be regularly inspected to ensure they were sound. Empty barrels were dismantled to make space in limited cargo areas. The cooper would reassemble them as needed should the ship stop to take on food, water or other stores. Carpenter The carpenter, who generally answered to the boatswain, was in charge of ensuring the ship’s structural integrity. He was tasked with fixing holes after combat, making repairs after a storm, keeping the masts and yardarms sound and functional, and knowing when the ship needed to be beached for maintenance or repairs. As pirates usually could not use official dry docks in ports, ships carpenters had to make do with what was at hand. They would often have to make repairs on a deserted island or stretch of beach, using only what they could scavenge or cannibalize from other parts of the ship. Ship’s carpenters often doubled as surgeons, sawing off limbs that were wounded in battle. Doctor or Surgeon Most pirate ships preferred to have a doctor aboard when one was available. Trained doctors were hard to find, and when ships had to go without one, often times a veteran sailor would serve in their stead. Pirates frequently foughtâ€â€with their victims and with one anotherâ€â€and serious injuries were common. Pirates also suffered from a variety of other ailments, including venereal diseases, such as syphilis and tropical illnesses like malaria. They were also vulnerable to scurvy, an illness caused by a Vitamin C deficiency that most often occurred when a ship was too long at sea and ran out of fresh fruit. Medicines were worth their weight in gold. In fact, when Blackbeard blockaded the port of Charleston, the only thing he asked for was a large chest of medicines. Master Gunner Firing a cannon was an extremely complicated and dangerous procedure when pirates sailed the seas. Everything had to be just soâ€â€the placement of the shot, the correct amount of powder, the fuse, and the working parts of the cannon itselfâ€â€or the results could be disastrous. On top of that, you had to aim the thing, which could weigh in the neighborhood of 1,600 pounds. A skilled gunner was a very valuable part of any pirate crew. They were usually trained by the Royal Navy and had worked their way up from being powder-monkeysâ€â€the young boys who ran back and forth carrying gunpowder to the cannons during battles. Master Gunners were in charge of all of the cannons, the gunpowder, the shot, and everything else that had to do with keeping the cannons in working order. Musicians Musicians were popular onboard pirate ships because piracy was a tedious life. Ships spent weeks at sea waiting to find suitable prizes to plunder. Musicians helped pass the time and having skill with a musical instrument brought with it certain privileges, such as playing while the others were working or even increased shares. Musicians were often forcibly taken from ships pirates attacked. On one occasion, when pirates raided a farm in Scotland, they left behind two young womenâ€â€and brought a piper back instead.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Samples of Tourism Thesis - 1096 Words
IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATIONAL TOUR TO THE STUDENTS OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN TOURISM MANAGEMENT IN BATAAN PENINSULA STATE UNIVERSITY MAIN CAMPUS 2012-2013 ______________________________ An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the College of Arts and Sciences Bataan Peninsula State University ______________________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management ______________________________ by Aldrin Gerald R. Galiste October 2012 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Above all I would like to thank God for making me strong as I make this thesis, for making me alive and stable during midnight and for giving me the knowledge and ability to do this. Next is to our dean Dr. Felicisima†¦show more content†¦PART I. Personal Information Directions: Put a check (√) to your corresponding answer. Only one (1) answer per question is allowed. Name (Optional): ________________________________________________________ Age: _________ Sex: _____ Male Civil Status: ______ Single _____ Female ______ Married Year Level: ______ 1st ______ 2nd ______ 3rd ______ 4th PART II. Directions: Put a check (√) to your corresponding answer. Only one (1) answer per question is allowed. 1. Do you think educational tours are needed for a tourism student or it is just a waste of time and money? _____ yes _____ not needed 2. Do you think educational tours will help a lot in the future of the tourism students? _____ yes _____ no 3. Is there a distinction in joining the tour or not? _____ there is _____ there is no 4. Do you think it will be a big loss in your life if you did not join any of the educational tours? ____ yes ____ no 5. Do you think there will be a big advantage for you if you will join on these tours? _____ yes _____ no Aldrin Gerald R. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Lrk2 Case Study - 1616 Words
LRRK2 Kinase activity of mutant LRRK2 has been shown to mediate neuronal toxicity and cell death in PD (Smith et al., 2006). The BRAF kinase which is believed to cause a significant proportion of melanoma is similar to the kinase domain of LRRK2, which is known to drive a significant proportion of malignant melanoma (Bishop et al., 2009; Flaherty et al., 2010; Flemming et al., 2010; Paisan Ruiz et al., 2010; Shen J et al., 2004), implying that there could be functional analogies between the activation of the BRAF kinase in melanoma and activation of LRRK2 kinase in PD-associated neurodegeneration (Paisn-Ruiz et al., 2010) DJ-1 DJ-1 was initially identified as an oncogene. It has been reported that mutations in DJ1 causes familial PD. DJ-1†¦show more content†¦It is expressed in melanoma cell lines, and is involved in melanocyte survival by detoxification of the intermediates formed as a result of melanogenesis (Harteneck et al., 2005; Iuga et al., 2007; McNeill MS et al., 2007 ). The heterozygous variant of TRPM7 has been found in some PD patients with dementia and some Guamanian patients (Hermosura et al., 2007). Inhibition of melanin synthesis prevents melanophore cell death in TRPM7 mutants therefore providing a possible clue that can explain the increased risk of PD and ALS in melanoma patients (Bertoni JM et al., 2010) Tumor suppressor gene p53 The tumor suppressor gene p53 plays an important role in human neurodegenerative disorders such as PD. Therefore chemical inhibitors of that activate p53 may be effective in suppressing the neurodegenerative process in PD (Stretch et al., 1991). Loss of p53 function, that has been identified in a variety of human tumor types such as melanoma (Duan W et al, 2002). Therefore it is possible that the risk for PD might be
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Globalization A New Phenomenon And The World We Live...
Globalisation is a multifaceted concept including political, economic and social elements. It refers to to the connectedness at continental distances through the flow of people, information, capital and goods (Clark 2000, as cited in Potrafke 2015: 510). It is also linked to universalising markets and production, technological innovation, privatisation of state agencies, trans-national organisations and spread of common culture (Urzua 2000: 421). Wood (2006: 29) stated that globalisation is not a new phenomenon and that the potential effects, both positive and negative, where somewhat predicted by Marx and Engels. They expressed concepts such as rapid change and uncertainty, integrated global supply chains and spread of common cultures across all nations, which is remarkably similar to the world we live today. According to Johnson (2002: 428) five developments have had a major role in making globalisation both possible and effective. This was not the case prior to the 16th century, where there was not much movement of goods or ideas between the continents. These developments were increase in scientific knowledge, faster and cheaper transportation as well as communication (telegraph, telephone, radio, television, internet), growth of income and reduction of barriers to trade. Osland (2003: 137-154) in his literature review examined the advantages and disadvantages of globalisation. He identified both winners and losers of globalisation by examining empirical evidence of itsShow MoreRelatedEssay Creating a Better Future Through Globalization1536 Words  | 7 PagesThe term â€Å"globalization†was known in the common vocabulary in the 1980. It is used to describe the increased movement of people, knowledge, goods, and money across national borders. It has led to increased interconnectedness among the worlds populations, economically, politically, socially and culturally (T. L. Friedman 6-14) . 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However, Ji Hyun Lee’s article in The New York Times titled, â€Å"Modern Lessons From Arranged Marriages†, begins to raise questions concerning how lessons from this cu lturally unique phenomenon may be able to aid in non-arranged marriages in the United States with the help of experts. Michael J. Rosenfeld, associate sociology professor at Stanford University claims, â€Å"I don’t think love marriage and arranged marriage are as different as we make them out
Enhanced Reading Instructions Essay Free Essays
Differentiated Instructional demand of pupils makes it imperative for a instructor to be after out her direction in little groups and separate reading Centres to give pupils ample pattern. Teachers form little flexible groups of pupils. meeting twice or thrice a hebdomad for a specific clip. We will write a custom essay sample on Enhanced Reading Instructions Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The instructor draws up similar structure†to bring forth thoughts. stimulate thought. do programs and make a desire†. ( Cited in Steering authorship and Observing Reading. p. 385 ) . Teachers†find more chance to utilize their cognition and accomplishments more to the full and effectively†. ( cited in Making Instructional Decisions. p. 461 ) . â€Å"Many usage alternate schemes in order to run into the particular demand of the students†( Modifying Lessons. p. 461 ) Alternative lesson structures recommends the usage of at least two types of lesson constructions. One Guided Reading and the other Skill Focused Lessons. It follows a form where the text is selected. introduced. read and discussed. In a Teacher- led- Centre. â€Å"the option most favored today. Centre on incorporate course of study. an attempt to link the linguistic communication humanistic disciplines with other capable countries. frequently through subjects. Integration is encouraged across all capable countries. including math â€Å" . ( Basal Readers and Instructional Materials. Chp13. p. 0 ) â€Å"Skill development and pattern activities are frequently interspersed with originative enrichment thoughts in the teacher’s usher. †( Chp13. p. 460 ) Students who need focused acquisition to go fluid and accurate in their use. Skill Focused Lessons are planned out by a instructor. like †writing. speaking. . . brainstorming†¦ function playing. doodling. pulling. cartooning. jotting ain thoughts. taking notes. interviewing and even organizing mental images through visual image and in writing organisers. †( Steering Writing and Observing Reading p. 385 ) . Thus guidelines are set. which help heighten effectual reading composing in a schoolroom. Mention hypertext transfer protocol: //www. fcrr. org/assessment/pdf/smallgroupalternativelessonstructures. pdf How to cite Enhanced Reading Instructions Essay, Essay examples
Case Study on Teamwork Problem free essay sample
Mike is a manufacturing manager at Auto Safety Products, which is a firm in the Midwest that designs and produces automobile seat belts and infant and child safety seats. Jill is a design engineer for the same firm. Top management at their work instituted concurrent engineering, a team-based system that integrates manufacturing and design processes. Concurrent engineering is intended to eliminate the problems that often occur in industry when designers are unaware of the needs of manufacturing. Through concurrent engineering, management hoped to improve attention to all elements of the product life cycle and manufacture a quality, low-cost product that will meet user needs. The company was also hoping to decrease the amount of time it takes to move from initial conceptual design to actual production. Both Mike and Jill are on the team working on toddler booster seats. This is an important product for Auto Safety Products, as research has indicated that parents do not use safety seats once children reach toddler age. The reason for this is because they are difficult to use in cars and uncomfortable for the children. Thus the team at Auto Safety Products worked to make the seats easier for parents to use by making them more comfortable, more portable, and more compatible with a range of automobiles from small sports cars to sedans to minivans to SUVs. Mike is 55-years-old and has worked in manufacturing for most of his life. He has spent the past 22 years working at Auto Safety Products. Mike has always felt some animosity toward the design side of the firm. He found the engineers unwilling to listen to the problems faced in manufacturing. He often complained that the design department generates projects that run into all sorts of problems once they hit manufacturing. He approached the new concurrent engineering program at his work. Jill is 25-years-old and is a mechanical engineer who has been with Auto Safety Products since her college graduation. Jill is assertive and strong-minded; she believes she has to be effective in the male-dominated world of engineering. She learned about the concurrent engineering concept when she was in school and she believes it can greatly improve the effectiveness of design and manufacturing. Unfortunately, it has not worked at Auto Safety Products. The manufacturing side has not really bought into the process, and management did not take the time to introduce the team management system properly and train people to work together. Jill has a hard time with Mike Garcia, who is the lead manufacturing representative on her team. Jill and Mike had to work together frequently on a booster seat design in a variety of vans. Their inability to work together has gotten so bad that their supervisor had to set up a meeting to help them deal with the problem. Adam Shapiro is the project supervisor at Auto Safety Products. He oversaw the booster seat project team that Mike and Jill worked on. Adam knows the two of them have not hit it off on the concurrent engineering team and had decided that the conflict had gotten to the point where he must step in and help them settle it. He brought them in individually and asked them about the problem and what the problem was. Jill was the first person Adam talked to. According to Jill the problem is that Mike would not listen to her ideas and downplays the contributions that design can make to concurrent engineering. On the other hand she sees design as the most important part of the concurrent engineering process. Jill suspects that Mike has problems with her because she is young and a woman, and this has made her push even harder for her point of view on project disagreements. After Jill discussed the problem with Adam, Mike was the next person to discuss the problem with Adam. Mike thinks the concurrent engineering system and the booster seat team in particular is a joke. He says that the design engineers are still trying to push their ideas down the manufacturing’s throat and he’s tired of it. Also Mike would like to go back to doing things the old way. However, if he is forced to continue with the concurrent engineering system, he refuses to give in to every one of Jill’s ideas. Case Analysis Questions 1a. What kind of predispositions are Mike and Jill taking into this conflict situation? Mike believes that engineers are â€Å"uppity†and unwilling to listen to the problems dealing with manufacturing. As a female engineer Jill feels as though she needs to be effective in the male-dominated world of engineering 1b. How might these predispositions influence the way the frame the conflict and the way they approach each other? These predispositions are definitely negatively influencing the way Mike and Jill approach each other. Obviously they are going to automatically approach each other negatively because of their opinions. 2a. If Mike and Jill were to attempt to deal with this conflict on their own, what conflict style would you recommend? If Mike and Jill were to attempt to deal with this conflict on their own I would recommend that they use the compromising conflict style. Compromising will allow you to achieve both of your goals, resulting in a â€Å"win-win†situation instead of a â€Å"win-lose†situation. 2b. Given what you know about Jill and Mike, do you think they would use an effective conflict resolution style? No, because when the problem first arose they had a hard time coming to a common ground resolution. I believe if it wasn’t for Adam they would have never resolved the problem. 3a. If you were Adam, how would you approach this conflict? If I was Adam, I would sit them both down together and have them write down the benefits that each of them bring to the company. b. What strategies should you use to help Mike and Jill deal with their ongoing problems? A strategy that I l would use is integrative bargaining. In integrative bargaining, the conflicting parties are trying to maximize gains for both parties (Miller, 2012). The bargainers discuss issues that could lead to a more creative solution to the problem at hand. Ou tcomes of integrative bargaining are often solution that allow both parties to benefit, and communication tends to be marked by open disclosure, careful listening and multiple communication channels. I believe this is the perfect strategy to use because with both Mike and Jill having problems with each other and the way they do things, if Adam uses this strategy I think you would solve problems for both people. 3c. Would you consider bringing in a mediator to help them work through their issues? I think there should be a mediator in the meeting as well, just in case things would get intense and they could not come up with a fair compromise. 4a. How would a feminist approach to conflict see this situation? They would see this situation that Mike is wrong and Jill is right. They would see it this way because a feminist approach would say that men don’t listen to women and they don’t take them as serious as other men especially in the workforce. 4b. Is it possible to use an alternative model that would recast this situation in a more productive frame? No because I think Adam handled this situation the right way by bringing Mike and Jill in and have them discuss the problem. This way is more productive because they can express themselves without knowing what the other person said. You can cover more ground by one-on-one problem solving. Effective Student Teams: A Faux Hiring and Peer Evaluation Process Student team projects provide benefits to the education process and provide experience that is valued by some employers. But team projects can be a source of conflict. Due to free-riding, scheduling problems and differing goals, there are fertile grounds for team conflicts. Therefore, there needs to be a better method of forming teams and a process to assure shared goals by team members (Lane 2011). The author Michelle Lane discussed the Faux Hiring Team Selection Process. In this process there are six steps to form and select a team. Step one is the selection of interviewers. Step two is posting interviewee’s applications for review by classmates and interviewers. The third step is to hold a â€Å"Job Fair†where a faux interview process occurs. The fourth step is the selection of personal top choices by both interviewers and interviewees. The next step is the instructor team assignment. Finally the forming and the signing of the team contract is the last step. Results In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the faux hiring process, two classes of 40 students each were studied in the fall semester 2009. Independent T-Tests showed no statistical difference between the two classes in terms of age and GPA. In the first class the teams were assigned randomly by the instructor and in the second class the job fair approach was used. The teams were used for two projects that took place over the semester. One project involved the use of the CAPSIM simulation. The second project was a business study requiring research, an interview and a class presentation of their findings. Each project was worth 20% of their course grade. (Lane 2011) The effectiveness of the faux hiring team assignment was assessed in two ways. The first way was the total team points earned from the simulation and the business projects were compared using a t-test of mean group differences. The results were significant with the faux hiring teams scoring higher than the randomly assigned teams. The second assessment was at the end of the semester, students were asked to fill out an anonymous online survey about their team experience. There were 43 respondents to this survey. 19 were from the instructor assigned teams and the remaining 24 were from the faux hiring teams. The results show that the faux hiring teams had stronger scores on shared goals, and had fewer conflicts. This article relates to our case study because it is an example of a way to prevent teamwork problems. This article basically says to go through an interview process to find a good team that has common goals and would get along to avoid conflicts. Whereas the case study does not use a process like this and Mike and Jill have a problem and are unable to resolve it. What is Expected from Supervisors This article was about how the past 10 years that team members enter the workforce as well as management or leadership emphasis influences different images of supervisors. There were certain features of management discussion during the past decades that are used as instruments in addressing the contributing research question: What is still expected from management and leadership? Liisa Huusko found that team member who are not the same age have different images of supervisors. Thus they wait partly for different actions within team organization. Human Resource Management issues seem to be included in supervisors’ duties in every decade. For example, encouraging and career-development matters do not appear until the 1980s. Furthermore, different kinds of computer-aided control systems are not able to respond to quick changes and uncommon situations relating to everyday duties. The image of supervisors that workers take for granted must be taken into consideration during the changes and shifts between responsible actors. This article relates to our case study because it shows that age does have an effect on teamwork. Age makes a difference because the older people want to do it the way they have been used to all their life and not want to change with younger generation as well as the technology that is changing. Some older generation refuse to update their technology and it is having an effect with teamwork. Finally, this goes with the case study because this article presents a male-female problem, where the male refuses to listen to the female’s idea. NBA Lockout: Can Both Sides Agree on Basketball-Related Income? I obtained this article from the Los Angeles Times Newspaper. The article was written and published on October 28, 2011. It talks about the National Basketball Association (NBA) lockout and how the players union and the owners are struggling to agree on terms for salary cap and other issues. This is an example of teamwork and the problems with teamwork. For example, the NBA deputy commissioner Adam Silver and Spurs owner Peter Hold said the players union offered a decrease from 53% to 52. 5% but wouldn’t discuss anything further if owners wouldn’t offer more than 50% (Medina, 2011). With the two sides going back and forth and unable to come up with a number they could agree they have brought in a mediator to help with negotiations. But even with the mediator the two sides still have not agree on terms. Thus, the NBA season is in jeopardy. NBA Commissioner David Stern has already cancelled all games through November.
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Importance of Reforms Tourism Industry †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Importance of Reforms Tourism Industry. Answer: Introduction The common definition of tourism is the summation of the trips made by the countrys residents domestically or externally which does not involve immigration management. The purpose for such trips is for business, recreation, health, or study purposes. Tourism in Australia has undergone a series of development for the last decade (, 2015); the various stakeholders have implemented many reforms while others are underway. In this paper, we shall find out that there are set goals in which the tourism industry is set to meet after a certain number of years. For instance there is the tourism 2020 vision set by the Australian government. This paper will be relevant to the various stakeholders as it will make them develop a sense of implementing more reforms. Sydney is an Australian global city with facilities best-known in the world, top-class cultural institutions, new exhibition Centre and international conventions (Sherry, 2015). Its parks and beaches are fantastic in addition to its wonderful climate. Australia is growing to be a nation where many visitors want to visit and stay. The following analysis is on an article known as Australias tourism industry needs innovation and big ideas to continue to grow written by Ann Sherry in October 2015. She noted that Australia has been depended for many years on the resource sector to be the major source of wealth and driver for its economic growth. However, there developed worries in the economy as this sector started weakening. This weakening was interpreted as an end to the resource boom. During this period, only a few people had noted the rising importance of the tourism sector as an importance source of income; this sector had a great potential for growth (Aird, 2017). When compared to the mining sector, the number of people employed in tourism industry was higher. In 2013-14, the number of people directly employed in the tourism industry were more than twice those employed in the mining sector; the mining sector employed under 270,000 whereas the tourism sector employed over 530,000 persons. This sector was renowned for experiencing super growth and was projected to add a great value to the Australian economy. This value was forecasted to be over $250 billion over the next twenty years. According to Angliss (2015) many people benefit directly; those who dont enjoys the indirect growth of the economy attributed to increased tourism spending. Even compared to coal which is a major export for Australia, the tourism sectors value is still higher; whereas coal generated $16.5 by the end of May 2015 compared to the $17 billion from the tourism industry. The number of businesses supported by the visitor economy is over 90,000 and the corresponding number of direct jobs are over 150,000. The trend is showing that there has been growth in the number of tourists flowing to Australia. The contribution of tourism management and visitor economy to the Australian GDP is over $11 billion. The most important reform implemented by the NSW Government on this sector is that of development of infrastructure that makes navigation in Australia easy and vibrancy. This has seen much development in the visitor economy (OECD, 2011). Sherry noted that there is more that need to be done to promote this industry if the tourism 2020 goal is to be achieved; according to (2017), the goal is to double the overnight spending by the visitors. From 1997 to 2015, the share of Australian tourism to its GDP has fell as observed above. This behavior is also observed in the share of employment from tourism. However, from 2012 onwards, the percentage is observed to rise for both share to GDP and share of employment. This is has resulted from the reforms implemented towards developing this tourism industry. Recommendation The stakeholders and other policy makers are supposed to introduce various reforms as this is driving economic growth management. The government spending should be increased in this sector as it is becoming a major source of economic growth. Supporting the growth of the tourism sector will also help in solving some other challenges facing the Australian economy such as high rate of unemployment. The government should consider this as an important investment for growth and ensure that the tourism potential is exploited to the maximum point. The tourist destination sites should be maintained at good condition so as to make them more attractive to the tourists. Conclusion With the development on the tourism sector, this sector can be a great source of Australian economic growth in the future. The reforms implemented earlier has led to increase revenue generation and thus an indicator for improved performance with additional reforms. This sectors potential for growth is very high. The regulation policies on tourism business and its increased spending is the most crucial driver of its development. The Tourism 2020 goal will be achieved only through increased investment towards developing this industry. References Aird, H. (2017). Push to update Tasmania's 'outdated' parks and reserve legislation. [Online] ABC News. Available at: [Accessed 19 Aug. 2017]. Angliss, W. (2015). How Australias flourishing tourism industry impacts everyone. [Online] William Angliss Institute. Available at: [Accessed 19 Aug. 2017]. Hehir, G. (2017). Strengthening Australias Tourism Industry. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 Aug. 2017]. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2011). Italy: Review of issues and policies. Paris: OECD. (2015). Australia's international tourism industry - what role should government play? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Aug. 2017]. Sherry, A. (2015). Australias tourism industry needs innovation and big ideas to continue to grow. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Aug. 2017]. (2017). Tourism 2020. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Aug. 2017]. (2017). Australia Tourist Arrivals. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Aug. 2017].
Friday, April 10, 2020
How to Write a Sample Essay About School Nervousness
How to Write a Sample Essay About School NervousnessIf you want to write a sample essay about school nervousness, it is really important that you will understand the importance of it. This article is going to tell you the right way on how to write an essay about school. There are many people who are eager to know the effective way on how to write this kind of essay.When writing a sample essay about school nervousness, it is very important that you will understand the importance of it. It is extremely important that you will be able to relate the concept of the essay to the topic that you will be writing about. This is really important because when you are writing an essay about school nervousness, you need to talk about a person's reaction to a certain situation in the school.In order to write a good essay, you will need to prepare a lot of things. You need to have all the necessary information about the topic that you will be writing about. You also need to think about the ways that you will be writing about your essay. This is why it is very important that you will be able to figure out the whole theme of the essay.If you are new to the whole idea of writing a sample essay, then you will need to realize that this type of essay is really important. If you really want to know how to write this kind of essay, you should really study about it first. It will really help you if you are going to learn more about the subject matter. This is why it is so important that you will be able to understand the whole concept of it.Once you are clear about the basics of the topic that you are going to write about, you will be able to be more creative about it. This is why it is very important that you will be able to explore the idea that you will be talking about. Once you are clear about the theme that you are going to be talking about, you will be able to think up some great ways that you can use to make your essay good.You will need to give more attention to the topic that you are going to write about in your sample essay. In order to do this, you will need to get into the mood that you will be writing about. If you are sure that you are going to be doing your homework, then you will need to be sure that you will be getting yourself into the right mood. In order to do this, you will need to find the right types of poems and stories that you can use to make your essay creative.The key thing that you need to remember about how to write a sample essay about school nervousness is that you will need to really think about what you are going to talk about in your sample essay. Once you are clear about this, you will be able to come up with great ideas that you can use to make your essay very creative. Once you are able to come up with great ideas, you will be able to write a great essay about it.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Career Essay Essays - Science And Technology, Engineering, Ethics
Career Essay "Normal people don't understand this concept; they believe that if it aint broke dont fix it. Engineers believe if it ain't broke it doesn't have enough features yet." -Scott Adams. My choice career is engineering. After high school I plan on furthering my education in Mechanical Design Engineering. The greatest of the skills I possess is mathematics and the art of creativity, and out of which becomes most of the modern day engineers. Engineers are just artistically innovative problem solvers or lately problem makers - engineering joke. My long-time set goal is to graduate high school with honors, attend and graduate Georgia Tech (or Kennesaw State) with Bachelor's degree, and transfer to Seoul University for my master's and doctoral degrees. I will be majoring in Engineering Mathematics which is pretty rigorous and minoring in mostly culinary arts or photograph as an enjoyable breather. Fun Fact: %83 of mathematics majors prefered culinary arts as a Plan B career choice. To prepare to take on my career, it would be best to start finding things around me that may need improvement to make it better to manage and evaluate "what and how" it can be done. This way of thinking is the nonstop process of engineering minds. Once the mind is trained to be keen in recognizing flaws that can be improved upon, I will be prepared most of the way. Anyone can dream to become an engineer but I need to be a "needed" or "prioritized" engineer. Mechanical engineers produce specifications for, design, develop, manufacture and install new or modified mechanical components or systems. I, to make myself more marketable in my field, will have specialized education to mechanical engineering as well as greatly familiarized myself with other field related to mine that my overlap at a time. This means that I can do more than just one specific job, which in turn saves money because the less man power you have to pay for the more profit received. Not only am i more marketable it also makes me more valuable.The average salary of a mechanical engineer is 84,190$. However, if we combine the extra skill sets and abilities that I bring to the table the average number goes up. I'd be a pretty well payed problem solver, just doing what i like to do. I hope to make everyday functions easier and more effective to rid of our modern frustrations. The stability is in the zill and drive i put into the work that i enjoy to help others and myself. Although this is my absolute dream there are other career choices to choose from as backups such as: technician, technologist, mechatronics engineering, professor, teacher, and/or mentor. These are still in the line of work i aspire to accomplish and are still just as enjoyable. We all know that it's only fair if we work the jobs of our dreams in the place of our dreams. Bearing this in mind, the places i would love to work is in my hometown Shinsadong, Rep. Korea, or in Japan, England, and maybe even back here in Georgia. But wherever I work, I want to work on what i love doing, canceling unnecessary stress that isn't really called for but rather live for the enjoyment and get payed for it. Nothing beats being a good mechanical engineer to me.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Presidential Power essays
Presidential Power essays Richard E. Neustadt, the author of Presidential Power, addresses the politics of leadership and how the citizens of the United States rate the performance of the president's term. We measure his leadership by saying that he is either "weak or "strong" and Neustadt argues that we have the right to do so, because his office has become the focal point of politics and policy in our political system. Neustadt brings to light three main points: how we measure the president, his strategy of presidential influence, and how to study them both. Today we deal with the President himself and with his influence on government action. The president now includes about 2000 men and women, the president is only one of them, but his performance can not be measured without focusing on himself. Richard Neustadt today is a professor of politics and has written many books on subjects pertaining to government and the inter workings of governments. He has many years of personal experience working with the government along with the knowledge of what makes a president powerful. He has worked under President Truman, Kennedy and Johnson. His credibility of politics has enhanced his respect in the field of politics. His works are studied in many Universities and he is considered well versed in his opinions of many different presidents. It is true that he seems to use Truman and Eisenhower as the main examples in this book and does show the reader the mistakes he believes were made along the way in achieving power. Neustagt begins with President Franklin D. Roosevelt, whom he believes is the one president that knew how best to yield his power. He uses other examples throughout the book of Presidents from FDR to Reagan and endeavors to show the reader the ways in which power and persuasion was used in order for the presidents too perform at the best of their ability and still retain the power to persuade in order to govern the country and app...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Architecture & Construction. Project evaluation & Design. Initial Essay
Architecture & Construction. Project evaluation & Design. Initial proposals, Design Briefs and Feasibility studies - Essay Example The development will be an apartment that will have its own uninterrupted ocean views with access to the site. Each apartment will have 3 bedrooms, all with ensuites, a study, a theatre room, large open living with plenty of room for dining and also 2 spacious balconies. The main balcony will be facing northeast, and the second balcony will be northwest and will accessible via the main and second bedroom. There will be floor to ceiling glass slide away doors hat give way to a wrap around balcony. This should then allow for the living areas to extend to the outdoor area. Having such an expansive living arrangement makes it as intimate or as social as the occupier wishes. This crucial piece of infrastructure in this beach shack suburb will be finished with modern European finishes. Bamboo floorboards will be used for the flooring and morato marble will be used for the paneling and joinery. There will be a basement car park, finished in sandstone to accommodate all residents. The stylish architectural design and the rare beachfront location enables us as developers to offer the ultimate in beachfront living with the motto of 4 levels of elegance, and only 4 metres to the beach. There will be a 10 metre by 3 metre pool on the beachside of the site to accommodate for a more personal environment for the residents of the building. The facility will come with a small BBQ area allowing for a full functioning facility. The pool will be lined with black pebbles to attract the sun so there will be no need for heating. Quality expectations: Goals were set to ensure that the quality of the project in terms of product and process was not compromised. Project planning was done with the consideration of the external environment which included technological changes, customers and competitors, suppliers, geographical location and climate; economic political and social settings The project was planned to run for two years. The stages involved were
Monday, February 3, 2020
Management report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management report - Essay Example The approach of this research has been kept unbiased and elaborate, keeping in mind to study the past trends and the current scenarios of the industry in question and to get get a crystal clear litmus result of whether the company would benefit from such an association. Browsing through the trends and the financial records of UIS and other companies, it was found out that there was little chance of falling prey to default and that the company would likely benefit from such a trade. United Industrial Services is one of the most well known firm in its industry winning loyalties in different partners. Till date the issue of import and export has become more and more important since the advent of globalisation. Too many debates have been held, too many groups formed to cater to this need. Ergo, it is no wonder that UIS is found to be of utmost importance and its decisions, crucial. This research basically deals with the question of international trade. Must UIS indulge in such a trait? Would it be of any advantage to it? Is it an attempt to increase profits or a tragedy that would result in the vice versa. To get an unbiased and reliable view of this, history of the trends had to be read. What did international trade stand for? What were its economical, political or environmental impacts? What, if it could, UIS end up affecting other of its competitors. For this, an intense study was conducted in an attempt to look at both sides of the coin and getting a better picture. The research produced remarkable results for just as it was expected not only was the firm greatly enjoying an increase in profits and revenue, it was also ending up growing as a company. There were little chances of default, thus making it less risky. The costs reduced, profits increased. This paper indicates the reasons for international trading and brief history of
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Building Relationships when Working with Children
Building Relationships when Working with Children Neringa Bagdonaite CONTENT PAGE ASSESSMENT: BUILDING POSITIVE RELATIONSHIPS TASK Summarise the current legal requirements for those working with children. This should include references to the 6 learning goals and how they could be implemented in a child care setting. Page 2 Explain what is meant by respecting and valuing individuality, and devise a plan of how this can be implement in the child care setting. A table format may be used for this task. Page 4 Evaluate the benefits of consistency with regard to positive and negative behaviour, and identify strategies that can be used to encourage positive behaviour in the child care setting. Page 6 Describe the process involved in managing conflict between children and adults. You should refer to at least one behavioural theorist in your answer. Page 8 Answer to task 1) The Childcare Act was introduced on 11 July 2006. The act requires specific powers and duties of local authorities in England. These duties are: Provide adequate information for parents. To improve the outcomes of children aged 0-5 Provide information and training for childcare providers. Local authorities must work with NHS and Job centre partners to improve the outcomes of all children up to 5. The Children Act 2004 sets a duty to make certain that every child would have the support they need to: be healthy stay safe enjoy and achieve and make a positive contribution to society achieve economic well-being. The Act has certain requirements that childcare providers will need to meet: welfare, learning, development. The requirements are set down in the Ofsted publication â€Å"Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage†. (Ref 1) Childcare providers must guide the development of children’s capabilities with a view to ensuring that children in their care complete the EYFS ready to benefit fully from the opportunities ahead of them. accessed 26/05/12 The Early years Foundation Stage learning and development requirements comprise: The assessment schedule must be arranged for children to establish their achievements. the early learning goals, such as the knowledge, skills and understanding. The educational programmes. These are the learning goals: Communication, language and literacy. Children are extending thier vocabulary, learning to speak correctly using words to construct sentence, learning to write and read accurately. Children must be given access to range of books, poems, and other written materials. Child care providers must give encouragement to children to use their skills in varios situations. It helps develop confidence. Physical development. Children must be involved in activities that develop their co-ordination, control and movement, and understand factors which lead into healthy lifestyle. Children must be supported in using all their senses to learn about the world. Personal, social and emotional development. These goals are helping children develop a positive sense of themselves and others, positive relationship, respect others, manage their feelings and understand appropriate behaviour and positive disposition to learn. Childcare providers should help children to know themselves and what they can do. Mathematics. Children should develop and improve their skills in counting, understanding and using numbers from 1-9, calculating simple addition and to describe shapes, spaces, and measures. Knowledge and Understanding the world. Children will develop the knowledge; skills and understanding that will help them make sense of the world. They will learn of people, plants, and environment. Creative development. Children are involved in dancing, music, art, play. It provides opportunities to share their thoughts and feelings. (Ref 2) Answer to task 2) The child has to know that they have values and should treasure them. Parent and childcare providers must start teaching children about respect and valuing individuality from early age. Children like to observe adults and see them as an example the way they deal in certain situation. Childcare providers and parents should show children that they respect individuality, feelings, views, ideas and culture. We have different cultural backgrounds and it is important to teach children how to celebrate them. (Ref 3) Indoor and outdoor playtime, individual and group learning encourage children to respect themselves and others. Children will naturally respect those who use their influence in encouraging ways, helping them to learn and grow in safe surroundings. Children who feel valued growing up confident, it helps them to achieve goals in their lives. Good way for children to respect each other to use reward system. Respecting and valuing individuality plan Friendship Friendship is an important part of child development from birth. Friendship is a source of fun. Children give and receive practical help and emotional support. Understanding feeling Children experiencing wide range of feeling and learning to understand them with help from adults. Every child is valued and differences are appreciated, everyone feels included and understood. Communication A welcoming atmosphere creates effective communication. Effective communication flows information and knowledge. All communication is important (gesture, signs and body language). Posters and pictures are helping children and families recognise that they are valued. Learning Children have a lot to learn from adults. It is important to review child’s progress regularly and contribute with their learning. Effective practice Encourage children to use greetings. All children receive a friendly welcome. Display list of the words that are used at home in their language. Positive interaction Building respectful and caring relationship with children. Respond appropriately to encourage curiosity in learning. Discover what children like to do. Effective teaching Help children to learn as a result they make connections in learning. Support and extend each child’s learning. Provide children with challenges. Teach them not to fear failure and be confident. Listening to children Young children and babies with speech delays communicate in other ways. Children need time to respond, childcare provider must encourage their thinking. Reflecting on practice To show children that childcare provider is pleased to see them every day. Get to know children and build positive relationship. Secure attachment Childcare provider helps children become familiar with setting and make them feel secure. When children feel happy they are confident and like to explore new things. Independence When children depend on adults for reassurance and comfort they become independent. Children are less independent in new situations, they can be unwell and anxious. (Ref4) Answer to task 3) Positive child behaviour can be promoted by using certain plan. It will teach what good behaviour is and how to reach it. Positive behaviour can be achieved working together with children and maintaining sensible expectations. Children behave differently depending on their age and surroundings. Childcare provider and parents must teach children that for negative behaviour there is negative consequence. Some forms of behaviour are acceptable while others are not. Learning to manage behaviour can be as easy as A B C Antecedent – what happens before the behaviour occurs. Behaviour – resulting behaviour is either acceptable or unacceptable. Consequence – results of behaviour can be positive or negative. accessed 18/07/12 Using positive and negative reinforcement are two ways to help children to identify good behavior and understand what is appropriate in certain situations. Any type of reward increasing childs positive behaviour. Rewards tempt child to do their task more regularly and on time. There are some strategies that can be used: Children should experience the logical consequences and actions. Children need guidance to understand positive behaviour. Teach children the concept of self-control. Rules and the reasons should be explained. Some behaviour should be ignored. Children should be congratulated for good behaviour. Teaching children new skill and behaviour. Children must learn that they will not achieve things by being selfish, destructive and angry. (Ref5) Negative behaviour is one of the worst things that parent and childcare provider can experience. Childs negative behaviour can’t be ignored, because sometimes it can cause unwanted trouble. One type of the negative behaviour is aggression. Child can be angry, sometimes yell, refuse to listen and can be driven by his own thoughts. Other type of negative behaviour is passiveness. Children remain silent and ignorant in all situations and don’t show any effort to respond. Usually children behave like this when they have something to hide from adults. It is important to understand the cause of the problem and explain why something is wrong. Children should understand that to repeat the same behaviour is wrong. Children should understand what means â€Å"no†. Every day routine can help improve positive behaviour. For example: teaching good manners when having meals, gathering everyone to the table and have food, being polite, teaching good hygiene habits. Every parent and childcare providers main goal should be to teach children how to develop self-discipline, responsibility and humanity for others. Childcare provider can make behaviour plan: Make a list of desirable behaviour that children need to learn. Make a list of undesirable behaviour that child may demonstrate. Make a list of privileges that child can earn reward. Answer to task 4) Conflict can occur between children or children and adults every day and most adults and children experience stress. †The parent-child relationship is one of the longest lasting social ties human beings establish, said Kira Birditt, lead author of the study and a researcher at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research. accessed Parents and childcare providers are facing many challenges when raising children. It is very important that children would grow happy, safe and would be able to deal with the conflicts in non-violent ways. Solving the conflict can help child develop emotionally. Usually conflicts are seen as negative behaviour. Childcare providers and parents should teach children to manage conflicts and if it’s possible to stay neutral. Sometimes when conflict arise childcare provider and parent can listen and offer support. (Ref 6) Children have different personalities and temperament and when facing the conflict have varying reactions: Some children become angry when it comes to disagreement. It is important to help manage aggression. Some children can be bossy. Some children back down then it comes to the conflict, because they don’t want to upset anyone. It is important to help them to learn to speak up. Learning principles Many researches are carried out regarding conflicts. They believe that conflicts help develop major life skills. Theorist Piaget believed that conflict in children was healthy, and if worked through, would help children to overcome their egocentric thought patterns (Arsenio Cooperman, 1996). Erikson believed that life was full of conflict and in order to become a better person, one must resolve the conflict in each stage of life (Trawick-Smith, 2003). Vygotsky saw conflict as a learning experience. He believed that children, if in their zone of proximal development, would learn from the conflict and adult models to function better in social contexts. Looking at the beliefs of all of these well known theorists, one gets the feeling that conflict is a positive, healthy part of a child’s life. accessed Researches show a difference between boys and girls and that they have different type of conflicts. It states that young children are more likely to have conflicts than older and that girls react to words while boys react with actions. There are some causes of conflict: Young children have difficulty sharing their things. Lack of communication skills When children are tired Attention seeking children Cultural differences Opinions are not matching Competitiveness Jealousy Punishment is not good way to deal with conflict. It can be painful and create fear and not change child’s behaviour. Adults need to be positive example for their children in handling conflict, smooth the progress of the conflict between children and interfere when children conflict becomes violent. Reference Ref1 accessed Ref 2 accessed Ref3 accessed Ref4 accessed Ref5 accessed Ref6 accessed
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