Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Tragic Story of Judas Iscariot Essay - 975 Words
The Tragic Story of Judas Iscariot Judas Iscariot. A man who usually strikes fear into the hearts of Christians and Jews alike. But who is this praised man of Kerioth, really? He betrayed our LORD for 30 silver shekels. Yet, there HAS to be SOME good in him, or else, why on earth would Jesus pick him? Ill inform you on Judas possible motives, thoughts that may have been running through his head before and after the fact, his culpability, and the status of his soul. Most people believe Judas only motive for betraying Jesus to the Sanhedrin was greed. Others say he might be trying to simply get Jesus to confound His enemies, not get condemned. I believe the latter is more correct. First off, 30 silver shekels is not much, about†¦show more content†¦Now hes probably thinking How could this happen?! Why me?!? I dont want to go to Hell!!!! I refuse to believe what He said about me!!!! And at that very moment, Satan possesses him (John 13:27). Which brings us to our next point. When you are possessed by the Devil, you have no control over your body or actions. Yet you still have full knowledge of whats happening; its like being trapped in an inescapable glass box. So is Judas accountable? My theory is yes, because he did not try to stop Satans influences. But this also applies to the other Eleven; they didnt try to exorcise Judas, cast Satan out of him, or simply prevent him from carrying out his wicked plan. They could clearly see what happened to Judas; how else would John 13:27 be in there? The other Disciples, ipso facto of them not doing anything, were aiding and abetting Satan. Shame on them. Now, after the Sanhedrin condemned Jesus, Judas was filled with remorse and repented. However, he then hanged himself. This now raises the question: where is Judas soul? My theory is that since Judas was wracked with guilt and declared, Ive sinned!!!! Ive betrayed innocent blood!!!!! (Luke 27:4), this means he has the Holy Spirit in him, because, if he didnt, he would have felt no remorse, and the Holy Spirits job is to convict us of sin, and anyone with the Holy Spirits indwelling is saved. But then theres that curse Jesus pronounced upon JudasShow MoreRelatedJesus: The Tragic Hero Essay830 Words  | 4 PagesWith Christianity being the number one universalizing religion, many are familiar with at the story of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Though they may not actually belong to the religion, many also celebrate the holidays of Christmas and Easter, both of which are extremely important days in the Christian religion. These two have been used for marketing seasonal goods to the United States in particular. 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