Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Should Feds Continue with Expansionary Monetary Policy or...
Over the past few years, the Fed had been trying to heal the economy from the recession by lowering the interest rate near zero in order to raise the inflation, increasing the price of housing and household wealth. This will encourage more people to buy products or services, causing an increase in consumers spending. Based on the data given by the U.S. Department of Commerce today, the economy is now healing from the recession with the expansionary monetary policy. However, some people argue that it takes too long for the recovery to happen and suggests that it is time for the Fed to come out with an exit strategy. However, I think the Fed should stick with its policy because it manages to improve the economy. Therefore, I think the Fed†¦show more content†¦Based on his statement, the cyclical unemployment will lead to structural unemployment in a long period of time. When this becomes structural unemployment, unemployed may lose the skills over time, causing them to be less committed to the labor force and the economy. In order to solve this situation, the Fed has to consider the unemployment rate. If the unemployment rate rises, then Fed will need to think of an exit from expansionary policy. But if the unemployment rates decreases, then the Fed can stick to its policy. As for the other concerns, some were worried the inflation rate caused by the expansionary policy. They are afraid that it might unleash higher inflation and that inflationary expectations are bound to jump at any time. By solving this situation, the Fed had to closely monitor the inflation rate. If it is below the expectation, then Fed can stick with the policy. If not, Fed will have to consider about the exit strategy. Changes in interest rate will impact on the economy. It can affect the consumption spending, the inflation rate, the unemployment and employment rate, and the GDP. Consumption spending is affected by interest rate is because when the interest rate is low, people will be willing to borrow money from bank and spend it on goods or services, allowing the spending to go up. When the spending goes up, the inflation and GDP will increase. Then,Show MoreRelatedThe Economic Crisis Of Western Central Banks Essay2433 Words  | 10 Pagesin 2008, western central banks have since applied a series of unconventional monetary policies besides normal ones. One of the characteristics of the unconventional policies is the intended near-to-zero interest rates, so those policies are also named Zero Interest Rate Policies (ZIRP). ZIRP are designed to help the financial market escape from the â€Å"liquidity trap†, a situation in which normal expansionary monetary policies fail to decrease intere st rates below zero and thus become ineffective. WithoutRead MoreThe Risk Associated With Currency Exposure1610 Words  | 7 Pagesfluctuations in exchange rates and how that risk relates to our organization; Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. (CCE). Serving customers for the last 128 years, our products are now available in more than 200 countries around the world. As our global presence continues to grow, so too does our exposure to fluctuations in currencies other than our base currency, the US dollar. Worldwide, we own assets and owe liabilities, earn revenues and pay expenses in 71 foreign currencies . As such, it is now more importantRead MoreEurope Economic Crisis55278 Words  | 222 Pagesotherwise indicated, the texts are published under the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission, BU24, B-1049 Brussels, to which enquiries other than those related to sales and subscriptions should be addressed. LEGAL NOTICE Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on its behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained in this publication, or for any errors which, despite careful preparation
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Tragic Story of Judas Iscariot Essay - 975 Words
The Tragic Story of Judas Iscariot Judas Iscariot. A man who usually strikes fear into the hearts of Christians and Jews alike. But who is this praised man of Kerioth, really? He betrayed our LORD for 30 silver shekels. Yet, there HAS to be SOME good in him, or else, why on earth would Jesus pick him? Ill inform you on Judas possible motives, thoughts that may have been running through his head before and after the fact, his culpability, and the status of his soul. Most people believe Judas only motive for betraying Jesus to the Sanhedrin was greed. Others say he might be trying to simply get Jesus to confound His enemies, not get condemned. I believe the latter is more correct. First off, 30 silver shekels is not much, about†¦show more content†¦Now hes probably thinking How could this happen?! Why me?!? I dont want to go to Hell!!!! I refuse to believe what He said about me!!!! And at that very moment, Satan possesses him (John 13:27). Which brings us to our next point. When you are possessed by the Devil, you have no control over your body or actions. Yet you still have full knowledge of whats happening; its like being trapped in an inescapable glass box. So is Judas accountable? My theory is yes, because he did not try to stop Satans influences. But this also applies to the other Eleven; they didnt try to exorcise Judas, cast Satan out of him, or simply prevent him from carrying out his wicked plan. They could clearly see what happened to Judas; how else would John 13:27 be in there? The other Disciples, ipso facto of them not doing anything, were aiding and abetting Satan. Shame on them. Now, after the Sanhedrin condemned Jesus, Judas was filled with remorse and repented. However, he then hanged himself. This now raises the question: where is Judas soul? My theory is that since Judas was wracked with guilt and declared, Ive sinned!!!! Ive betrayed innocent blood!!!!! (Luke 27:4), this means he has the Holy Spirit in him, because, if he didnt, he would have felt no remorse, and the Holy Spirits job is to convict us of sin, and anyone with the Holy Spirits indwelling is saved. But then theres that curse Jesus pronounced upon JudasShow MoreRelatedJesus: The Tragic Hero Essay830 Words  | 4 PagesWith Christianity being the number one universalizing religion, many are familiar with at the story of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Though they may not actually belong to the religion, many also celebrate the holidays of Christmas and Easter, both of which are extremely important days in the Christian religion. These two have been used for marketing seasonal goods to the United States in particular. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Social institutions Essay Example For Students
Social institutions Essay Social institutions can be found all though out the world. Social institution is a system of statuses, roles, values, and norms that is organized to satisfy one or more of the basic societal needs. It may differ from place to place. One good example of a social institution would be found in the film, The Dead Poets Society. It tells about and shows how each of the students at Welton Academy have different ways at handling their set of social institutions. Each student learns with the help of their new teacher, Mr. Keating, that they should be free thinkers and seize the day and not to waste life because it is very precious. Some important institutions that will be viewed are family and education institutions. Family is a very important institution that comes to mind when discussing different types of social institutions. Family is a group of people who are related by marriage, blood, or adoption and who live together and share economic resources. American families are organized by di fferent types of form groups. A nuclear family consists of one or both parents and their children. The nuclear family is the family form that is most recognizable to Americans. Then there is the extended family. The extended family consists of three or more generations of a family sharing the same residence. Nuclear families and extended families often are part of a much larger kinship system. Kinship refers to a network of people who are related by marriage, birth, or adoption. American marriage patterns are usually a monogamy, which means that a marriage of one man to one woman is present. Another American pattern is neolocality which means that a newly married couple is free to set up access of individuals and groups to power and social rewards. From these perspectives we can see the role that each of them takes at Welton Academy. Welton Academy I think would mostly be looked at under the conflict perspective because of how expensive it is to enroll in the school. It limits the b est education to the rich. The school i?s when Charlie wanted to permit girls a Welton and printed an article in the school newspaper. With that event he crossed the line between right and wrong and had to be punished to teach him of his wrongdoing. got hit I also think that with these strict rules, hard entrance rate and high tuition fee limits who can attend the school and usually cuts out all of the bad students that would be disturbance to the operation of the school. The enforcing of norms through either internalization or sanctions is called social control. Agents of social control include authority figures, the police, the courts, religion, the family, and public opinion. The principle means of social control in all societies, though, is self-control, learned through the internalization of norms. When a societygot hit I also think that with these strict rules, hard entrance rate and high tuition fee limits who can attend the school and usually cuts out all of the bad students that would be disturbance to the operation of the school. The enforcing of norms through either internalization or sanctions is called social control. Agents of social control include authority figures, the police, the courts, religion, the family, and public opinion. The principle means of social control in all societies, though, is self-control, learned through the internalization of norms. When a societys methods for ensuring conformity break down, social stability is lost. If people are killing one another, stealing, and fighting in the streets, then social order is jeopardy. Social control is important. No society can survive for long without an effective system of social control. Individuals must follow certain rules of behavior if society is to function smoothly. In the film Mr. Keating tells about the dangers of conformity. He says to be free thinkers and go for your goals in life. He said dont always follow what others do and try o be your own leader. He said that conformity is good to a certain point and be careful not to cross th e line between right and wrong. Some gos also very strict limiting what the students can do.I think that Welton Academy maintains the stability and smooth operation of society by being strict and hard on the students. One incident is Charlie Daytons punishment for trying to permit girls at?od examples in the film of how conformity can be positive or negative is when Charlie Dalton didnt want to walk outside with his class because he wanted to exercise his right of conformity. This was a positive event of conformity. One negative example is when Charlie wanted to permit girls a Welton and printed an article in the school newspaper. With that event he crossed the line between right and wrong and had to be punished to teach him of his wrongdoing. Adolescence is a unique stage in a persons life. The adolescence is caught between two worlds no longer a child and not yet an adult in the eyes of society. Adolescence can be defined as the period between the normal onset of puberty and the beginning of adulthood. Some of the characteristics of adolescence are undefined status, search for self, increased pressure, and problems of suicide. Undefined status means that being an adolescent people are confused on how to treat you. Some treat adolescents like adults while others treat them like children. Adult society seems to have conflicting attitudes toward adolescents. Another characteristic is increased pressure. Adolescents are faced with pressure from many sources such as school, friends, and parents. Parents for instance, generally make rules stating what time their adolescent children must be home, who they can see, and where they can go. Yet parents want their children to be sociable. Yet thus people are under pressure to strike the balance between parental wishes and peer pressure. Adolescents also have pressures put on them in school. They are pressured to attend class, complete assignments, pass tests, and participate in school clubs and activities. One other characteristic that is important is search for self. Adolescence are mature enough to think about themselves and what they want out of life. They can sort through their values and decide what things really are important to them. They can establish personal norms that will guide their behavior. They can set priorities for their lives. One aspect of finding yourself is preparing for future roles. Thus anticipatory socialization is important part of adolescent development. Anticipatory socialization refers to f-control, learned through the internalization of norms. f-control, learned through the internalization of norms. got hit I also think that with these strict rules, hard entrance rate and high tuition fee limits who can attend the school and usu ally cuts out all of the bad students that would be disturbance to the operation of the school. E E Cummings-life And Work EssayThe enforcing of norms through either internalization or sanctions is called social control. Agents of social control include authority figures, the police, the courts, religion, the family, and public opinion. The principle means of social control in all societies, though, is self-control, learned through the internalization of norms. When a societygot hit I also think that with these strict rules, hard entrance rate and high tuition fee limits who can attend the school and usually cuts out all of the bad students that would be disturbance to the operation of the school. The enforcing of norms through either internalization or sanctions is called social control. Agents of social control include authority figures, the police, the courts, religion, the family, and public opinion. The principle means of social control in all societies, though, is self-control, learned through the internalization of norms. When a societys methods for ensuring conformity break down, social stability is lost. If people are killing one another, stealing, and fighting in the streets, then social order is jeopardy. Social control is important. No society can survive for long without an effective system of social control. Individuals must follow certain rules of behavior if society is to function smoothly. In the film Mr. Keating tells about the dangers of conformity. He says to be free thinkers and go for your goals in life. He said dont always follow what others do and try o be your own leader. He said that conformity is good to a certain point and be careful not to cross th e line between right and wrong. Some good examples in the film of how conformity can be positive or negative is when Charlie Dalton didnt want to walk outside with his class because he wanted to exercise his right of conformity. This was a positive event of conformity. One negative example is when Charlie wanted to permit girls a Welton and printed an article in the school newspaper. With that event he crossed the line between right and wrong and had to be punished to teach him of his wrongdoing. Adolescence is a unique stage in a persons life. The adolescence is caught between two worlds no longer a child and not yet an adult in the eyes of society. Adolescence can be defined as the period between the normal onset of puberty and the beginning of adulthood. Some of the characteristics of adolescence are undefined status, search for self, increased pressure, and problems of suicide. Undefined status means that being an adolescent people are confused on how to treat you. Some treat adolescents like adults while others treat them like children. Adult society seems to have conflicting attitudes toward adolescents. Another characteristic is increased pressure. Adolescents are faced with pressure from many sources such as school, friends, and parents. Parents for instance, generally make rules stating what time their adolescent children must be home, who they can see, and where they can go. Yet parents want their children to be sociable. Yet thus people are under pressure to strike the balance between parental wishes and peer pressure. Adolescents also have pressures put on them in school. They are pressured to attend class, complete assignments, pass tests, and participate in school clubs and activities. One other characteristic that is important is search for self. Adolescence are mature enough to think about themselves and what they want out of life. They can sort through their values and decide what things really are important to them. They can establish personal norms that will guide their behavior. They can set priorities for their lives. One aspect of finding yourself is preparing for future roles. Thus anticipatory socialization is important part of adolescent development. Anticipatory socialization refers to learning the rights, obligations, and expectations of a role in preparation for assuming that role at a future date. The last characteristic is the problems of suicide. When most people think of the causes and consequences of suicide, they think in terms of individuals. They see suicide as a personal act that results from psychological factors, such as depression or frustration. Sociologists acknowledge the suicide is more interested in the social factors that affect suicide rates. According to the sociologist view of suicide, variations in suicide rates can be understood by studying the structure of society. One good example from the film that ties all of these different characteristics together would be the Neil Perry incident. Neil wanted to perform and become an actor but his father thought that it was just a waste of time. He told his son that he worked hard and made many sacrifices so that Neil could go to Welton. This placed a ton of pressure on Neil. I also think Neil was afraid of his dad because his dad controlled most of his life. After all this build up of pressure and frustration from his father he couldnt control it and wound up taking his own life.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Slavery in the chocolate industry free essay sample
Chocolate is a product of the cacao bean which grows primarily in the tropical climates of West Africa and Latin America. The cacao bean is more commonly referred to as cocoa, so that is the term we will use throughout. Two West African countries, Ghana and the Ivory Coast, supply 75% of the world’s cocoa market. [1] The cocoa they grow and harvest is sold to a variety of chocolate companies, including some of the largest in the world. In recent years, a handful of organizations and journalists have exposed the widespread use of child labor, and in some cases slavery, on West African cocoa farms. [2,3] Since that time, the industry has become increasingly secretive, making it difficult for reporters to not only access farms where human rights violations still occur, but to then disseminate this information to the public. For example, in 2004 a journalist was kidnapped and remains missing today. [4] More recently, three journalists from a daily newspaper were detained by government authorities in the Ivory Coast after publishing an article about government corruption related to the cocoa industry. We will write a custom essay sample on Slavery in the chocolate industry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page [5] The farms of West Africa supply cocoa to international giants such as Hershey’s, Mars and Nestle – revealing the industry’s direct connection to child labor, human trafficking and slavery. chocolate_content1The Worst Forms of Child Labor In West Africa, cocoa is a commodity crop grown primarily for export. As the chocolate industry has grown over the years, so has the demand for cheap cocoa. Today, cocoa farmers barely make a living selling the beans and often resort to the use of child labor in order to keep their prices competitive. The children of West Africa are surrounded by intense poverty and most begin working at a young age to help support their family. Some children end up on the cocoa farms because they need work and they are told the pay is good. Other children are â€Å"sold†by their own relatives to traffickers or to the farm owners, and it has also been documented that traffickers often abduct the young boys from small villages in neighboring African countries, such as Burkina Faso and Mali. [3] Once they have been taken to the cocoa farms, the children may not see their families for years, if ever. When a child is delivered to the farm by a family member, that relative collects a sum of money either up front or at the end of an agreed duration of labor. Unfortunately, the relatives do not realize that the children will be exposed to a dangerous work environment and deprived of an education. Most of the children are between the ages of 12-16, but children as young as 7 have been filmed working on the farms. [3] Some only stay for a few months, while others end up working on the cocoa farms through adulthood. A child’s workday begins at sunrise and ends in the evening. The children climb the cocoa trees and cut the bean pods using a machete. These large, heavy, dangerous knives are the standard tools for children on the cocoa farms. Once the bean pods have been cut from the trees, the children pack the pods into large sacks and carry or drag them through the forest. â€Å"Some of the bags were taller than me. It took two people to put the bag on my head. And when you didn’t hurry, you were beaten. †[2] Aly Diabate, former cocoa slave. Holding a single large pod in one hand, the children strike the pod with the machete and pry it open with the tip of the blade, exposing the cocoa beans. Each strike of the machete has the potential to severely cut a child’s fingers or hand. Virtually every child has scars on the hands, arms, legs or shoulders from accidents with the machete. In addition to the hazards of using a machete, children are also commonly exposed to agricultural chemicals on the West African cocoa farms. [3] Tropical regions such as the Ivory Coast consistently have to deal with prolific insect populations and choose to spray the pods with large amounts of industrial agricultural chemicals. Without protective equipment, children as young as 12 spray the pods with hazardous chemicals. [6] The farm owners often provide the children with the most inexpensive food available, such as corn paste and bananas. [2] In some cases, the children sleep on wooden planks in small windowless buildings with no access to clean water or sanitary bathrooms. [2] Again, they may live in these conditions for months or even years. Most of the children are unable to attend school while they are working, which is a violation of the International Labor Organization (ILO) child labor standards. [2,3,7] Depriving these children of an education has many short-term and long-term effects on their lives. The children of the cocoa farms have little hope of ever breaking the cycle of poverty. Slavery In recent years, cases have been documented in which children and adults on cocoa farms were retained against their will and forced to work. [2] While the term â€Å"slavery†has a variety of historical contexts, slavery in the cocoa industry involves the same core human rights violations as other forms of slavery throughout the world. chocolate_content3Cases often involve acts of physical violence, such as being whipped for working slowly or trying to escape. [2] There have also been cases documented where children and adults were locked in at night to prevent them from escaping. [2] Former cocoa slave Aly Diabate told reporters: â€Å"The beatings were a part of my life. I had seen others who tried to escape. When they tried they were severely beaten. †[2] Drissa, a recently freed cocoa slave who had never even tasted chocolate, experienced similar circumstances and when asked what he would tell the people who eat chocolate made from slave labor, he replied that the people enjoyed something that he suffered to make, adding: â€Å"When people eat chocolate they are eating my flesh. †[8] Is Slave-free Chocolate Possible? To date, relatively little progress has been made in reducing and eliminating child labor and slavery in the cocoa industry of West Africa. The governments of Ghana and the Ivory Coast lack the resources needed to properly investigate and prosecute employers who violate international labor laws. At the very least, they have agreed to work to eliminate what the ILO calls â€Å"the worst forms of child labor. †These are defined as practices â€Å"likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children†and include the use of â€Å"hazardous tools†and any work that â€Å"interferes with schooling. †[7] Currently, the vast majority of children on West African cocoa farms endure â€Å"the worst forms of child labor†every day. Despite their role in contributing to child labor, slavery, and human trafficking, the chocolate industry has not taken significant steps to remedy the problem. A series of alliances and oversight boards may create good public relations, but cloud the fact that the industry has the power to end the use of child labor and slave labor by paying cocoa farmers a living wage for their product. The chocolate industry is also being called upon to develop and financially support programs to rescue and rehabilitate children who have been sold to cocoa farms. To date, the industry has not committed to developing such a program. [9] chocolate_content2Are the Labels on Chocolate Meaningful? Aside from large-scale production in West Africa, a significant amount of cocoa is also grown in Latin America. This is where the majority of organic cocoa originates. [10] At this time, child labor and/or slave labor have not been documented on these cocoa farms. While it remains possible that some Latin American farms may employ these practices, it is unlikely and certainly not widespread as is the case in West Africa. The truth is that consumers today have no sure way of knowing if the chocolate they are buying involved the use of child labor or slave labor. There are many different labels on chocolate bars today, such as Fair Trade Certified, however, no single label can guarantee that the chocolate was made without the use of exploitive labor. In 2010, the founders of the Fair Trade Certification process had to suspend several of their West African suppliers due to evidence that they were using child labor. [3] Multiple government and NGO programs have been developed, attempting to address the root causes of â€Å"the worst forms of child labor†and slavery in West Africa. However, the success of these efforts will depend greatly on the genuine support or lack thereof from the chocolate industry over the coming years. Recommendations It is important to offer ways in which people can make decisions to do their best to not contribute to injustices and cruelties involved in the food industry. This issue is a very difficult one to fully access as the most serious abuses are taking place across the world. However, that does not mean our responsibility is diminished since chocolate is indeed a luxury (though some might feel differently) and not a necessity like fruits and vegetables. Taking all of this into consideration and looking at the research that is available, at this time F. E. P. recommends that people do not buy any chocolate sourced from areas in West African where child slavery is the most pervasive. Questions : 1. What are the systemic, corporate and individual ethical issues raised by this case? 2. In your view, is the kind of child slavery discussed in this case absolutely wrong nomatter what, or is it only relatively wrong, i. e. , if one happens to live in a society (likeours) that disapproves of slavery? 3. Who shares in the moral responsibility for the slavery occurring in the chocolateindustry: African farmers? African governments? American chocolate companies likeHershey, Mars, Nestle and Kraft foods? Distributors like Archer Daniels Midland Co. ,Barry Callebaut, and Cargill Inc? Consumers like you and I who know about thesituation but continue to purchase tainted chocolate?
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