Tuesday, October 1, 2019
A Textual Analysis and Response to: In Memory of Zoe Yalland and Tortoise
Both poems represent suffering in the twentieth century, albeit different types. Both are also written in blank verse. This allows the author to write using a very flexible form not being hampered in the expression of thought or syntactic structure by the need to rhyme. The title ‘In Memory of Zoà « Yalland’ is stating clearly that this is a memorial to the lady; however, this does not mean that it is an obituary. Although it is written after her death I don’t necessarily see it as an obituary, rather more of an epitaph, and a bitter one at that. Obituaries are generally very generous in their remembrance of the deceased. They usually describe their life and the contributions they made to it, paint a pretty picture of how loved they were and how sadly missed they’ll be. This poem is totally contrary to the norm as regard to obituaries. I see this written on a tomb, as if to say, â€Å"Look! Here lays a young woman, who during her life suffered a great deal. Go live your life to the full, savour each moment, love those around you, for you know not what tomorrow brings†. Tortoise is a different title altogether. It is written in the same context as the verse, ambiguously and metaphorically. Initially you believe that the verse is literally about a tortoise, until you come to realise that the author is using a clever play on words. As you read on you find yourself analysing the text, struggling to understand what the author is trying to say, which is totally contrary to ‘In Memory of Zoà « Yalland’. While Zoà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s poem is straight talking and to the point, ‘Tortoise’ is ambiguous Zoà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s poem is weighed down with mental and physical anguish, the torturing of mind and body. It represents the struggles of everyday life against society and disease. The text used is very harsh, no frills, the author has told it like it is. This is a poem that could be written for so many and yet I feel that this is personal to the author. I believe Zoà « was close to him and he is airing his anger and frustration at the waste of such a young life. Zoà « was clearly a person who never found true happiness. It evokes pathos, I felt quite disturbed when I read this. Also you can read Analysis July at the Multiplex Tortoise, I feel portrays the story of a soldiers suffering. This is the suffering of a tormented soul, the very suffering of ones spirit. Here is a man who has fought wars, seen comrades suffer and die, and is left but a shell of his former self. He has shut himself away from the world, for it’s grievances are nothing compared to what he has seen and experienced. He walks around like you or I and yet in his eyes his turmoil is clearly visible. Nothing is important to him anymore; he wanders day to day, questioning nothing, existing, and drifting like a forgotten spirit. This poem is brimming with bathos. It made me feel melancholy. Zoà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s poem is quite angrily written. There are undertones of bitterness and regret, maybe these are emotions felt by the author for his subject. Words such as ‘dog shit’ and ‘nothing done’ show the harshness of the author’s feelings towards her situation. His tone throughout is sad and regretful, with a hint of unfairness; he knew an awful lot about her life. It paints a very bleak picture of a young, hopeful, yet very sad life that never quite came up to her expectations. I believe the author is trying to say that we should all care a little more about those around us, to open our eyes and see the reality of life, and to live each day as if it were our last. He is trying to convey the cruelty and unfairness of the world. At first glance the reader of the ‘Tortoise’ could be totally baffled by the text in this one. It definitely requires further scrutiny to try and understand what the author is trying to say. The text is much more gentle and simple, yet more difficult to understand due to the ambiguity. I believe only the author truly knows the meaning behind Tortoise, it is left up to the reader to interpret it in their own way. Maybe this was the intention. While Zoà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s poem is quite clear to understand Tortoise is open to many interpretations. The text in ‘In Memory of Zoe Yalland’ is very negative. For example ‘no space’, no sun’, ‘nothing done’, ‘boxed in’, ‘ dragged down’ and ‘not true’. There is also text, which indicates the struggle in her life such as; ‘battling’, ‘hoping luck could run out’ ‘more like praying’, ‘that with time just staying meant starting to belong’. As you read the text in the first verse it draws you into the emotional turmoil that she is experiencing, you are able, quite easily, to relate to her suffering. In the second verse I felt the emotion the author was displaying. He was unmistakably hurting; not only at the loss of this woman, but also at the poor hand fate had cruelly dealt her. His words were cutting, as if to shock the reader into recognising the reality of this awful situation. Read also Case 302 July in Multiplex The text of ‘Tortoise’ in comparison to ‘Zoà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ is quite positive, although in a sad way. ‘So he became a sort of miraculous stone’ suggests that even though he was struggling he overcame his problems and adjusted, even after he had everything ‘shot away’. Everything about the poem suggests a gentle surrender to life’s difficulties. ‘You see?’ is almost like saying, â€Å"oh well!†phrases like ‘no question either’, ‘no reason to hurry’ and ‘life is simple’, are all positive, but in the context of the poem it’s as if he has given up, and so, life is no longer difficult. He can’t change what has happened, so he just lives with it, inside his shell. In conclusion I found ‘In Memory of Zoà « Yalland to be a very negative poem with harsh realities and no hope, while ‘Tortoise’ was more positive and hopeful, although it still cleverly portrayed suffering using a clever use of language. While ‘In Memory of Zoà « Yalland’ bore pathos, ‘Tortoise’ contained bathos. These were two poems both displaying suffering but in entirely different ways.
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