Thursday, October 31, 2019
What are the causes of ethnic violenceDiscuss with reference to Essay
What are the causes of ethnic violenceDiscuss with reference to Yugoslavia as a case study - Essay Example However, the turning point of the unrest in this area was probably the ratification of the new constitution in 1974 which gave more autonomy to the individual republics that are part of the Yugoslavian jurisdiction (Devic, Ann (1998). According the new constitution, the republics have the option to declare its independence from the federation. Although this provision of the constitution is well-meaning and very democratic, this paved the way for people in the different republics in the Yugoslavian territory to seek independence and become a full-fledged nation on its own. The seed of nationalism is said to be planted by this provision of the constitution and spur the people from the republics to dream of becoming independent. The need to be independent by the republics became more apparent when the Yugoslavian President Josip Borz Tito died in the 1980s (Cairns E. and Roe M. (2003). The tension between the republics became more intense that June of 1991, Slovenia and Croatia decided that they want to become independent and severe their ties with the other federal republics (Cairns E. and Roe M. (2003). Later, in September of the same year, the republic of Macedonia made its intention to become independent while Bosnia and Herzegovina followed in March of 1992(Cairns E. and Roe M. (2003). Unfortunately, Serbia and Montenegro did not approve of the move of Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina to leave the federation. They however supported the idea of Slovenia leaving the federation. The assumption of Slobodan Milosevic in 1989 as president of Serbia, the largest and the most heavily populated republic in Yugoslav region brought the tension in the area to a higher level. In December 23, 1990, 88% of the voting populace in Serbia voted for independence (Spencer, Metta (1998). President Slobodan Milosevic also started his plan to unite the regions of Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia into a great Serbian republic
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Research Methods Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Methods - Research Paper Example According to Zwass, electronic commerce is defined as â€Å"the sharing of business information, maintaining of business relationships, and conducting of business transactions by means of telecommunications networks†. The electronic commerce activities are inter-organisational processes of market-based sell-buy relationships and collaboration, consumer oriented activities, and inter-organisational processes that support them (Zwass). The innovation diffusion theory by Rogers has been widely applied as a theoretical framework to analyse adoption of technology. The framework identified five factors which influence adoption of technology in organisations. These factors are relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability and observability. Relative advantage is defined as â€Å"the degree to which an innovation is perceived as being better than the idea it supersedes†. Compatibility is defined as â€Å"the degree to which an innovation is perceived as consisten t with the existing values, past experiences, and needs of potential adopters†. Complexity is defined as â€Å"the degree to which an innovation is perceived as relatively difficult to understand and use†. ... This study therefore seeks to identify the factors that influence adoption of e-commerce in organisations using Rogers’ model. Research Questions 1. What is the effect of relative advantage on adoption of e-commerce? 2. Does compatibility affect adoption of e-commerce? 3. What is the effect of complexity on adoption of e-commerce? 4. Does trialability affect adoption of e-commerce? 5. What is the effect of observability on adoption of e-commerce? Research Objectives The objectives of this study are: 1. To examine the effect of relative advantage on adoption of e-commerce. 2. To determine the effect of compatibility on adoption of e-commerce. 3. To assess the effect of complexity on adoption of e-commerce. 4. To examine the effect of trialability on adoption of e-commerce. 5. To determine the effect of observability on adoption of e-commerce. Significance of the Study This study is very important to organisations in Saudi Arabia as well as other Arab countries. The results of t his study will be very valuable in informing the management of these retail stores on how a number of factors will influence adoption of e-commerce for those who wish to do so. The study is also important to government agencies in charge of policy-making decisions. The study will provide valuable recommendations on how regulation of e-commerce should be carried out based on the results on the adoption factors of e-commerce. The policy recommendations will therefore help come up with solutions that will address the challenges of e-commerce among retailers. Researchers will also find this study valuable source information as a reference material as well as act as a basis for
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Human Resources in Malaysia
Human Resources in Malaysia Question1 ii) Assuming that you are the Senior HR Manager in one of the manufacturing company, how the minimum retirement age act in Malaysia has any impact in your company and industry taking into consideration it advantages and disadvantages? As a Senior HR Manager, I do believe there is impact of the minimum retirement age act in company and industry as well. Implementation of the new minimum retirement age act could be beneficial to the company. Based on the survey done by the group Aon Hewitt (2011), 53% out of the 107 companies that participated in the survey thinks that they will lose their talented employees. Furthermore, some companies also worry that they could not find the replacement for their talented senior employees due to the lack of talents in the market (Aon Hewitt, 2011). According to Tung and Comeau (2012), company that offer job rotation for the senior workers could save the cost of hiring new employees. Some senior employees are talented, still productive, and have many experiences that the younger employees do not have. Senior employees can share their experiences and knowledge, lead, and guide the newly hired employees. This could also help the company to save the cost of hiring outside trainer to train their new employees. However, there are drawbacks towards the company for implementing the new Act. Some company would face cost structure disruption due to the Act as mentioned by the Malaysia Employers Federation (Aruna Rahim, 2012). The senior employees have higher payroll than those younger ones. Some company could not afford higher wages employees and hence would face the financial problem due to the Act. Furthermore, some senior employees might face some health problem as they age and this would increase the company’s cost due to the medical bills (Tung Comeau, 2012). This would be a burden to the company especially those small-medium enterprises (SMEs). Besides the company, there are also some impacts of introducing the new retirement age act on industry field. According to Li (n.d.), delaying the retirement age from 55 to 60 can brings an impact on those fresh graduates or young employees. It is because the vacancies that were previously prepared for them which following the retirement of the older employees are delayed. He also stated that the pre-MRAA case of Sistem Penerbangan Malaysia Berhad had successfully argued in the Industrial Court on increasing the retirement age from 55 to 66 could cause frustration and stagnation of junior employees who failed to promote to the senior position as the senior staff only retires at the age of 60. Besides that, he also mentioned that the productivity of older employees may decline with age which lowers the performance of the organization. Some other disadvantages associated with older employees include inflexibility in executing tasks, unwilling to learn new knowledge, difficult in mainta ining up-to-date skills, and reluctance to take part in any training programs. Apart from that, Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) Executive Director, Y. Bhg. Datuk Hj. Shamsuddin bin Bardan also claimed that the unemployment rate could rise from 3.7% to 4% or higher as the industry field is forced to subdue the loss in job openings as employee retires later (FreeMalaysiaToday, 2013). He said that the Malaysian job market is not well-prepared for the entering of new fresh graduates if the present employees do not leave the job market at the age of 55. In the other hand, new retirement age act can bring some long-term benefits (Chew, 2013). He proposed that by elongate five more productive years, the gross domestic product (GDP) of the national economy could be raised by extra 400 000 workers. He also said the government deficit can be reduced significantly as the workers working longer and contribute to the Employees Providence Fund (EPF) by continuing paying income tax. Last but not least, the contributions and taxes from the private sector can be reduced. This is because with the increase of revenue and surplus from the government, the income tax and other tax incentives from the private sector can be reduce. In a nutshell, the new retirement age act in Malaysia do give impacts on company and industry as well. Therefore, it is important for us to modify and minimize the negative impact so that it won’t affect company, industry and country much. Question 2 a) Does Sally have a basis for claiming â€Å"hostile environment†sexual harassment? How was she harmed? In our opinion, we think that Sally does have a basis for claiming â€Å"hostile environment†sexual harassment. Based on Code of Practice on the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace which established by Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia in 1999, sexual harassment means â€Å"any unwanted conduct of a sexual nature having the effect of verbal, non-verbal, visual, psychological or physical harassment: that might, on reasonable grounds, be perceived by the recipient as placing a condition of a sexual nature on her/his employment; or that might, on reasonable grounds, be perceived by the recipient as an offence or humiliation, or a threat to his/her well-being, but has no direct link to her/his employment. Based on The Code, sexual harassment of Sally case is fall on sexual annoyance, a sexually-related conduct that is offensive, hostile or intimidating to the recipient, but nonetheless has no direct link to any job benefit. In Sally case, the sexual harassment was fall into category of harassment by an employee against another employee. From the text above, the co-worker of Sally were whistles, leers, comments about her sexy physical body, one of the crew members whom name Al, even grabbed Sally and tried to kiss her. Sally was refuge what Al did on her. The action did by Al and co-worker were an unwanted conduct of a sexual nature having the effect of physical, verbal, non-verbal and visual which can be counted as a hostile environment sexual harassment. She was harmed due to the unsuccessful of resolving her sexual harassment problem by her supervisor, Chunk. She has been told to be calm. Apart from this, the co-worker isolates her and refuge to work with her. She develops an ulcer and used all her sick leave and being diagnosed having job-related stress and took 60 days of leave-of-absence. Her fiancà © also break their engagement because of peer pressure. Besides, she also failed to appeal regards on her sexual harassment case by both the union and management. b) If you were the union or Chunk, how would you investigate her grievance? If no witnesses supported Sally’s story, what would you conclude? Grievance is being defined as the â€Å"dissatisfaction between the employees and the employers involving the work and working environment†(Zulkiflee Daud, Mohd Faizal Mohd Isa, Wan Shakizah Wan Mohd Nor, Zairani Zainol, 2013, p. 123). In terms of this context, Sally claimed that she was being sexually harassed by one of the crew member, Al, where he tried to grab her and kiss her when Sally was being sent out in truck with Al. However, Al denied in having any physical contact with Sally. Sally’s case is considered as individual grievance whereby formal stage grievance procedures will be taken to investigate this case. So, if I were the union or Chuck, I will initiate with the grievance procedure once I received the complaint lodged by Sally. But before that, I need to ensure that I understand thoroughly what have been written in the grievance/complaint form by Sally and to have a basic idea on Sally’s situation and why she lodged the complaint. Then, I will write an acknowledging receipt of the grievance statement and proposed some advises on the ways to handle the grievance to Sally within the 5 working days from the day the grievance are being received. Next, I would proposed for an investigation to be done onto Sally’s grievance by developing a separate complaint procedure that deals specifically with such a sexual harassment complaints as this is a very sensitive issue in an organization. In developing the complaint procedure, Sally would be protected from any further embarrassment in the course of investigation into the complaint, for instance, being continuously shunned by the crew of the utility company. There are three main elements in a complaint procedure; first element is the step-by-step procedure within a time frame given for each step in the process of reporting and processing the complaint lodges by the aggrieved person, second element is conducting an investigation procedure, and last element in the complaint procedure is to come out with an appeal procedure that enable the dissatisfied party to re-appeal for an investigation’s findings to a higher authority. Thus, in dealing with the complaints by Sally, I will then request for a complaint Committee, as what may have been outlined in the company’s Code of Practice on the Prevention and Eradication of Sexual Harrassment in the Workplace. The complaint Committee shall includes at least three representatives from the other departments in the company not including the department of the accuser and the accused employee and the representatives shall have a higher position if compared to the employee that complaints and the employee that is being complaint. I shall also consider to go for a member from the outside counsel that is acquainted in dealing with the issue of sexual harassment. Not to forget, I shall go for a complaint Committee where at least half the members of the Complaints Committee are women and it is better to have Women member as the leader of the Complaints Committee. In setting up the Complaints Committee, I will proposed a tentative day, date, and time to the committee involved asking them to come for an investigation session and the committee shall present at the day, date, and time stated. Thus, in conducting the grievance investigation, separate interview will be held for both the aggrieved person (Sally) and the one who cause the aggrievation (Al). The interviews are done separately as to minimize the possibility of practicing bias and also to test the validity and reliability of the justification given by the parties involved. Apart from that, the investigation is carried out based on the 5W1H approach; who is involved in this case, what have happened, when did the case happened, where did the case takes place, and how did it happened? Both the parties, the aggrieved party (Sally) and the one who caused the aggrievation (Al) are given the fair chance to clarify and justify themselves. Other than the both parties involved, their colleagues l ike another women crew who also works would be called-in for the investigation session as well to know more about the parties involved, for instance, in terms of their attitudes in their working station and their personalities. After that, the Complaints Committee will come out with the final decision on whether Al is really guilty in sexually harassing Sally or not or it is Sally who has wrongly accused Al. The next step is closely linked to the decision made by the Complaints Committee. For instance, if Al was found guilty in sexually harassing Sally, I shall know what disciplinary actions that could be taken onto Al whether by terminating him without notice and showing him show cause letter or warning letter as the Employment Acts 1955 stated that: The individual found guilty of sexual harassment may be dismissed without notice, demoted or penalized with a lesser punishment, e.g. suspension without pay for a period of up to 2 weeks. Same situation applied to Sally, disciplinary actions will be taken if Sally was found guilty in accusing and maligning Al. It may be the possible that Sally is introverted and comes from a very conservative family background complaint that she was physically and verbally har assed. It might also be the case maybe Al was Sally’s former lover and had end their relationship or Al had fallen on her but she rejected and Al was envy what’s more to know that she had engaged with another man who is also the worker in the same company. If both the parties agreed with the final outcomes, the case is closed. But if both the parties do not agreed with the final outcomes, they are allowed to reappeal and the same investigation step will be carried on again. The investigation step will only come to an end when both the parties are agreed with the final outcomes or when one of the parties is proved to be guilty. In this sexual harassment case, if there is no witnesses that could support Sally’s story, I would conclude that Sally’s story is not valid. Without any strong supporting elements, the validity of Sally’s story is being questioned and without any proves, I have to come out with a conclusion that the sexual harassment do not take places as what have been told by Sally. Sally’s story could only be applicable if there is a strong evidence provided to support that the sexual harassment do take places and it do have the tendency to take place. However, if it really takes place, I will seek solution for the parties who found guilty and also provide some counseling session to help her recover from her emotional and physical injuries. Whether the charges are valid or not, I will transfer Sally to other department if she agrees to avoid the conflict between Al, the crew and herself which might affect her performance or given special attention on the welfare and saf ety of Sally if she has to work at night. c) How might this scenario have been prevented? This scenario can be prevented through several ways which are organization should develop policy statement prohibiting sexual harassment, provide training to employee and employer and take all the complaints of sexual harassment seriously. The organization should develop policy statement prohibiting sexual harassment. Based on The Code, policy statement on sexual harassment is a published message to all the members in organization which aim to create non-sexual harassment working environment. From the Sally case, it is clearly shown the co-worker doesn’t have a clear understanding on what sexual harassment is. A clear definition of sexual harassment is required include in the policy so that employee and employer can understand it and try to avoid doing it. Secondly, through provide training to employee and employer also can prevent sexual harassment. An effective policy, tied with training for all employer and employee will help in preventing harassment (Prevention of Sexual Harassment, n.d.). The training should teach what is sexual harassment is, procedure to complaints when facing such situation and etc. This can create awareness for all the staff to prevent sexual harassment with the knowledge gained during the training session. Lastly, the upper management should take complaints seriously rather treat it as small case. From the Sally case, we could see that her supervisor doesn’t treat it seriously. Instead of taking action on Al but the supervisor ask to keep her sense of humor and he just asked Al to keep his hands to himself. In fact, this obviously is a sexual harassment case and should take action quickly so that Sally’s right is protected. Due to the failure of taking complaint seriously, Sally being isolated by the co-workers and force to took leave because of job-related stress. It is important for the upper management especially immediate supervisor to take complaints seriously, take action on it, and figure it out whether sexual harassment exists or not. This is to ensure that the victim can be protected from being harass again. In conclusion, this scenario can be prevented through develop policy statement prohibiting sexual harassment, provide training to employee and employer and take all the complaints of sexual harassment seriously. This is to ensure Sally’s case won’t happened again.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Kelly and Sale: Persuasive Or Pointless? Essay -- Kelly Sale Argumenta
Kelly and Sale: Persuasive Or Pointless? Unarguably, since technology has been introduced, it has had profound effects, permeating not only onto society, but our entire ecological system. To categorize the effects of technology as predominantly beneficial or detrimental, as Kevin Kelly and Kirkpatrick Sale claim in their interview, is difficult. "Interview With The Luddite" captures and vividly illustrates their seemingly pointless and underdeveloped ideas. Kelly, protechnology, and Sale, a contemporary neo-Luddite, discuss many technological issues, including the automation of the labor force, oral tradition, literacy, and civilization. Later, they go on to present often radical and unrealistic solutions to the issues. While at times I can fathom certain aspects of the arguments, their solutions are predominantly too idealistic. In this paper, I plan to explore the physical setting of the interview, important nonphysical aspects including the intentions of the participants, and the ideas presented, while incorporating my o wn perceptions of their persuasiveness and effectiveness. The atmosphere of the June 1995 interview between Kelly and Sale is of essential importance to the initial impressions of the audience. Firstly, Kelly and Sale agreed to the interview which was published in Wired magazine. "This popular on-line magazine lacks any in-depth discussion of even the most problematic issues surrounding digital culture" (243). Obviously, the magazine offers a purely biased perspective and presents only the positive effects of technological innovations. Appearing in such a biased magazine may seem initially beneficial to the conversion intentions of Sale, the Luddite, but with deeper analysis it becomes clear that the c... ... convincing. Still, I cannot fathom the motivations behind the interview for either participant. Perhaps Kelly's goal was to persuade Sale, which he did, and perhaps Sale's goal was to attract publicity. Nevertheless, neither was very effective or intriguing in their arguments. I propose we invite technology and essentially the future. But we should never overstep our boundaries in this world. Instead, accept our role, have regard for nature, respect the Higher Being, and finally consider the consequences of our actions. If all aspects are considered, the undeveloped and seemingly pointless analogies illustrated by Kelly and Sale can be thankfully avoided. Works Cited Kelly, Kevin. "Interview With The Luddite." Andrea A.Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz, The Presence Of Others: Voices That Call For A Response. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. (243-253)
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Count of Monte Cristo
Bonaparte plot has been discovered,†Violator continued. PEG. 29 Edmond has been accused of a planning a Bonaparte plot. Since that is the case he will not be going home at all because this was a serious matter. Chi. 6: Violator went to the fire, threw the letter into the fire, threw the letter into the flames, and remained watching it until it was reduced to ashes. PEG. 36 This is foreshadowing Edmonds other enemy because instead of setting him free he is getting rid of the evidence that might be able to set him free. Chi. 7: Dante got up and quite naturally looked in the direction he boat was moving.Before him, at a distance of a hundred fathoms, rose the black, steep rock on which stood the frowning Chateau dif. PEG. 40 Edmond is realizing that he is heading to the most feared prison and that what he has been accused of is far beyond anything he has ever been apart of. Chi. 8: He was astonished at her beauty and dignity, and when she asked him what had become of him whom she loved he felt as though he were the culprit and she his Judge. PEG 45 Mercedes has such great beauty that it is making Violator regret sending Edmond away to his doom. Chi. : â€Å"Sire,†Violator answered, â€Å"l will give your majesty a faithful report.I have come to Paris with all speed to inform Your Majesty that, in the exercise of my duties, I have discovered a conspiracy; not one of those every day, meaningless, vulgar plots of the lower classes of our people, but a veritable tempest which threatens Your Majesty very throne. PEG. 50 What Violator is reporting to the King is foreshadowing the fall of the Kings throne because he is reporting to him false accusations. Also those of which he is accusing are innocent. Chi. 10: The King detached the cross of the Legion f Honor which he usually wore on his blue coat and giving it to Violator said: â€Å"In the meantime take this cross. PEG. 54-55 This shows that Violator has won over the trust of the King. The King is als o realizing that he is going to be taken over. Chi. 11: As for Dante, he remained a prisoner; hidden away in the depths of his dungeon he was ignorant of the downfall of Louis Xviii throne and the re-establishment of Napoleon. PEG. 56 This quote has is showing how Edmond is so lost into the depths of prison that he has little hope of knowing what is going on and that if he ever get out he will Have o idea of anything that has taken place.Chi. 12: Nearly four years had passed since he had taken this resolution; at the end of the second year he ceased to count the days. PEG. 60 Edmond had taken a resolution to kill himself of starvation but he could not do it. This is foreshadowing that he will live through prison and escape or be let out. Chi. 13: Dante threw himself into the arms of his new friend, for whom he had waited so impatiently and so long, and drew him toward the window that the little light that penetrated into his cell might reveal his features. PEG. 7 Edmond has not en a nyone except the gallery and to meet someone who has the same objective as him which is to escape from their wretched prison cells excites him and it gives him hope. Chi. 14:†Now, my dear friend,†Farina continued, looking at Dante with an almost paternal expression, â€Å"you know as much as I do; if we ever escape together half of my treasure is yours; if I die here and you escape alone the whole of it belongs to you. †PEG. 90 Farina now trusts Edmond and has told him about the treasure he wishes to obtain when he gets out of prison which he needs Edmonds help.Chi. 1 5: There is no hope,†Farina replied, shaking his head. â€Å"Oh, yes, yes! †exclaimed Dante, â€Å"l tell you I shall save you! †PEG. 93 Farina knows his death is coming by the fatal third attack and he is accepting it. Edmond does not want the death of his friend who is to help him escape so he does not want to except that fact that there is nothing he can do. Chi. 16: He h ad eaten nothing since the previous evening, but he had not thought of his hunger in the mourning, neither did he think of it now.This quote shows that Edmond is very determined to carry out his escape plot that nothing is phasing him to even hunger. Chi. 17: They would have to find some neutral ground where an exchange could be made, and then endeavor to land the goods on the coast of France. PEG. 108 This is foreshadowing that Edmond is going to finally be able to step foot in the Isle of Monte Crisis and that he will be able to find hid treasure. Chi. 18: Edmond opened his eyes, complained of a sharp pain in his knee, a feeling of heaviness in his head, and unbearable pain in his back.PEG. III Edmond has hurt himself in order to be able to be alone on the island to retrieve his treasure. Chi. 19: After he had touched, fingered, ride his trembling hands in the gold and precious stones, Edmond rose and rushed through the caves like a man seized with a frenzy. PEG. 116 Edmond has fo und the treasure he has been longing for and he is now very exciting and can't wait for the ship to come back and get him. Chi. 20: He had quite expected to hear of his farthest death, but what had become of Mercedes? PEG. 19 This quote shows that Edmond has not completely lost his mind and that he is being rational about what has happened to his father and the women he wished to marry. Chi. 21 : â€Å"It is how I have said,†replied Cadaverous. But,†continued the priest, â€Å"was the unhappy old man so completely forsaken by everyone that he died such a death? †PEG. 122 This quote is questioning whether Edmonds father deserved such a death as starvation because the worst and vilest animals don't even get such a death. Chi. 22: The babe rose, and twice paced around the room, pressing his trembling hand to his parched throat. And you believe he that he died of .. .†â€Å"Of hunger, monsieur, pure starvation,†said Cadaverous. PEG. 126 This quote i s implying that Edmonds father was so grief stricken that he didn't want to eat and that he was sad that his son was gone. Chi. 23: â€Å"The passage was doubtless made with a view to escape? †â€Å"Exactly, but unfortunately for the prisoners, the babe was seized with an attack of epilepsy and died. †PEG. 136 This is foreshadowing that Edmonds new ID might be compromised because it is known that he has escaped. Chi. 4: â€Å"The Pharaoh is your last hope, then? †â€Å"Absolutely the last. †PEG. 142 This quote is showing how Morel life and honor is at stake because he is in a lot of debt and if the Pharaoh doesn't come back with the money he needs he is going to kill himself. Chi. 25: muff are saved! You are saved! She threw herself into his arms, at the same time holding out to him a red silk purse. PEG. 153 Morel has been saved by Sinbad the Sailor by giving Morel's daughter enough money to pay her dad's debt in a purse. This also has saved him from killing himself.Chi. 26: mirror itinerary is impossible, or to say the least very dangerous. †â€Å"Dangerous! Why? †â€Å"Because of the bandit, Lugging Vamp. †PEG. 158 This is foreshadowing that they are going to meet up with the vile bandit Lugging Vamp. Chi. 27: â€Å"Upon my word, I think our neighbor must be some stockbroker who has speculated on the falloff Spanish funds; or else some rinse traveling incognito. †PEG. 167 Albert and Franz are excited upon meeting the Count and they know nothing about him so they are trying to figure out what he does and who he is. Chi. 8: â€Å"If my unknown be as amiable as she is beautiful,†said Albert, â€Å"l shall stay at Rome for tallest six weeks. †PEG. 176 Albert has an admirer and she has sent him a letter for which he is to meet her and if she has beauty he will stay in Rome for however long it takes. Chi. 29: â€Å"What conditions have I forgotten, Count? †inquired the bandit w ith the air of a man who, having committed an error, is noxious to repair it. PEG. 187 The Count has befriended Lugging Vamp by capturing him while Lugging was trying to capture him and he let him go in return that Lugging doesn't capture any of the Counts friends.Chi. 30: Monte Crisis passed Albert a piece of paper. â€Å"Number thirty, Champs Ulysses,†read Mercers. The young men stared at one another. PEG. 206 They are amazed at the Count because where he lives is one of the most beautiful places throughout Paris. Chi. 31 : Monte Crisis was a worthy appreciator of all things Albert had collected here: old cabinets, Japanese porcelain, Oriental tuffs, Venetian glass, weapons of all countries of the world; everything was familiar to him, and he recognized at a glance their date and country of origin.PEG. 207 The Monte Crisis is amazing Albert by knowing about every piece that Albert has collect and the Count impresses him by his knowledge. Chi. 32: â€Å"In that case, here is the card of my master, Baron Danglers,†PEG. 214 This is foreshadowing how the Count is going to start his plot for revenge against Danglers. Chi. 33: â€Å"My dappled grey? †cried out Madame Danglers, rushing to the window. Miss those are mine indeed! Danglers was astounded. PEG. 222 The Count has bought Mme Dandlers' horses and he returns them to her to gain her trust.Chi. 34: Monte Crisis replied: â€Å"Hayden, we are in France, you know, so you are free! †PEG. 228 Now that the Count is in France his slave Hayden is free but she doesn't want to leave him because she loves him this is foreshadowing a love between them. Chi. 35: â€Å"The last words he spoke were: ‘Macmillan, it was Edmond Dante! PEG. 235 This is foreshadowing that Macmillan is going to find out the Counts true identity because he knows it was Edmond who saved his father. The Count of Monte Cristo Bonaparte plot has been discovered,†Violator continued. PEG. 29 Edmond has been accused of a planning a Bonaparte plot. Since that is the case he will not be going home at all because this was a serious matter. Chi. 6: Violator went to the fire, threw the letter into the fire, threw the letter into the flames, and remained watching it until it was reduced to ashes. PEG. 36 This is foreshadowing Edmonds other enemy because instead of setting him free he is getting rid of the evidence that might be able to set him free. Chi. 7: Dante got up and quite naturally looked in the direction he boat was moving.Before him, at a distance of a hundred fathoms, rose the black, steep rock on which stood the frowning Chateau dif. PEG. 40 Edmond is realizing that he is heading to the most feared prison and that what he has been accused of is far beyond anything he has ever been apart of. Chi. 8: He was astonished at her beauty and dignity, and when she asked him what had become of him whom she loved he felt as though he were the culprit and she his Judge. PEG 45 Mercedes has such great beauty that it is making Violator regret sending Edmond away to his doom. Chi. : â€Å"Sire,†Violator answered, â€Å"l will give your majesty a faithful report.I have come to Paris with all speed to inform Your Majesty that, in the exercise of my duties, I have discovered a conspiracy; not one of those every day, meaningless, vulgar plots of the lower classes of our people, but a veritable tempest which threatens Your Majesty very throne. PEG. 50 What Violator is reporting to the King is foreshadowing the fall of the Kings throne because he is reporting to him false accusations. Also those of which he is accusing are innocent. Chi. 10: The King detached the cross of the Legion f Honor which he usually wore on his blue coat and giving it to Violator said: â€Å"In the meantime take this cross. PEG. 54-55 This shows that Violator has won over the trust of the King. The King is als o realizing that he is going to be taken over. Chi. 11: As for Dante, he remained a prisoner; hidden away in the depths of his dungeon he was ignorant of the downfall of Louis Xviii throne and the re-establishment of Napoleon. PEG. 56 This quote has is showing how Edmond is so lost into the depths of prison that he has little hope of knowing what is going on and that if he ever get out he will Have o idea of anything that has taken place.Chi. 12: Nearly four years had passed since he had taken this resolution; at the end of the second year he ceased to count the days. PEG. 60 Edmond had taken a resolution to kill himself of starvation but he could not do it. This is foreshadowing that he will live through prison and escape or be let out. Chi. 13: Dante threw himself into the arms of his new friend, for whom he had waited so impatiently and so long, and drew him toward the window that the little light that penetrated into his cell might reveal his features. PEG. 7 Edmond has not en a nyone except the gallery and to meet someone who has the same objective as him which is to escape from their wretched prison cells excites him and it gives him hope. Chi. 14:†Now, my dear friend,†Farina continued, looking at Dante with an almost paternal expression, â€Å"you know as much as I do; if we ever escape together half of my treasure is yours; if I die here and you escape alone the whole of it belongs to you. †PEG. 90 Farina now trusts Edmond and has told him about the treasure he wishes to obtain when he gets out of prison which he needs Edmonds help.Chi. 1 5: There is no hope,†Farina replied, shaking his head. â€Å"Oh, yes, yes! †exclaimed Dante, â€Å"l tell you I shall save you! †PEG. 93 Farina knows his death is coming by the fatal third attack and he is accepting it. Edmond does not want the death of his friend who is to help him escape so he does not want to except that fact that there is nothing he can do. Chi. 16: He h ad eaten nothing since the previous evening, but he had not thought of his hunger in the mourning, neither did he think of it now.This quote shows that Edmond is very determined to carry out his escape plot that nothing is phasing him to even hunger. Chi. 17: They would have to find some neutral ground where an exchange could be made, and then endeavor to land the goods on the coast of France. PEG. 108 This is foreshadowing that Edmond is going to finally be able to step foot in the Isle of Monte Crisis and that he will be able to find hid treasure. Chi. 18: Edmond opened his eyes, complained of a sharp pain in his knee, a feeling of heaviness in his head, and unbearable pain in his back.PEG. III Edmond has hurt himself in order to be able to be alone on the island to retrieve his treasure. Chi. 19: After he had touched, fingered, ride his trembling hands in the gold and precious stones, Edmond rose and rushed through the caves like a man seized with a frenzy. PEG. 116 Edmond has fo und the treasure he has been longing for and he is now very exciting and can't wait for the ship to come back and get him. Chi. 20: He had quite expected to hear of his farthest death, but what had become of Mercedes? PEG. 19 This quote shows that Edmond has not completely lost his mind and that he is being rational about what has happened to his father and the women he wished to marry. Chi. 21 : â€Å"It is how I have said,†replied Cadaverous. But,†continued the priest, â€Å"was the unhappy old man so completely forsaken by everyone that he died such a death? †PEG. 122 This quote is questioning whether Edmonds father deserved such a death as starvation because the worst and vilest animals don't even get such a death. Chi. 22: The babe rose, and twice paced around the room, pressing his trembling hand to his parched throat. And you believe he that he died of .. .†â€Å"Of hunger, monsieur, pure starvation,†said Cadaverous. PEG. 126 This quote i s implying that Edmonds father was so grief stricken that he didn't want to eat and that he was sad that his son was gone. Chi. 23: â€Å"The passage was doubtless made with a view to escape? †â€Å"Exactly, but unfortunately for the prisoners, the babe was seized with an attack of epilepsy and died. †PEG. 136 This is foreshadowing that Edmonds new ID might be compromised because it is known that he has escaped. Chi. 4: â€Å"The Pharaoh is your last hope, then? †â€Å"Absolutely the last. †PEG. 142 This quote is showing how Morel life and honor is at stake because he is in a lot of debt and if the Pharaoh doesn't come back with the money he needs he is going to kill himself. Chi. 25: muff are saved! You are saved! She threw herself into his arms, at the same time holding out to him a red silk purse. PEG. 153 Morel has been saved by Sinbad the Sailor by giving Morel's daughter enough money to pay her dad's debt in a purse. This also has saved him from killing himself.Chi. 26: mirror itinerary is impossible, or to say the least very dangerous. †â€Å"Dangerous! Why? †â€Å"Because of the bandit, Lugging Vamp. †PEG. 158 This is foreshadowing that they are going to meet up with the vile bandit Lugging Vamp. Chi. 27: â€Å"Upon my word, I think our neighbor must be some stockbroker who has speculated on the falloff Spanish funds; or else some rinse traveling incognito. †PEG. 167 Albert and Franz are excited upon meeting the Count and they know nothing about him so they are trying to figure out what he does and who he is. Chi. 8: â€Å"If my unknown be as amiable as she is beautiful,†said Albert, â€Å"l shall stay at Rome for tallest six weeks. †PEG. 176 Albert has an admirer and she has sent him a letter for which he is to meet her and if she has beauty he will stay in Rome for however long it takes. Chi. 29: â€Å"What conditions have I forgotten, Count? †inquired the bandit w ith the air of a man who, having committed an error, is noxious to repair it. PEG. 187 The Count has befriended Lugging Vamp by capturing him while Lugging was trying to capture him and he let him go in return that Lugging doesn't capture any of the Counts friends.Chi. 30: Monte Crisis passed Albert a piece of paper. â€Å"Number thirty, Champs Ulysses,†read Mercers. The young men stared at one another. PEG. 206 They are amazed at the Count because where he lives is one of the most beautiful places throughout Paris. Chi. 31 : Monte Crisis was a worthy appreciator of all things Albert had collected here: old cabinets, Japanese porcelain, Oriental tuffs, Venetian glass, weapons of all countries of the world; everything was familiar to him, and he recognized at a glance their date and country of origin.PEG. 207 The Monte Crisis is amazing Albert by knowing about every piece that Albert has collect and the Count impresses him by his knowledge. Chi. 32: â€Å"In that case, here is the card of my master, Baron Danglers,†PEG. 214 This is foreshadowing how the Count is going to start his plot for revenge against Danglers. Chi. 33: â€Å"My dappled grey? †cried out Madame Danglers, rushing to the window. Miss those are mine indeed! Danglers was astounded. PEG. 222 The Count has bought Mme Dandlers' horses and he returns them to her to gain her trust.Chi. 34: Monte Crisis replied: â€Å"Hayden, we are in France, you know, so you are free! †PEG. 228 Now that the Count is in France his slave Hayden is free but she doesn't want to leave him because she loves him this is foreshadowing a love between them. Chi. 35: â€Å"The last words he spoke were: ‘Macmillan, it was Edmond Dante! PEG. 235 This is foreshadowing that Macmillan is going to find out the Counts true identity because he knows it was Edmond who saved his father. The Count of Monte Cristo To seek vengeance is to inflict injury, harm, and humiliation, on a person by another who has been harmed by that person. In the movie The Count of Monte Cristo, Edmond seeks revenge on Fernand Mondego for many reasons. All of which were justified because of the horrible treatment Edmond received while he was in prison. Not only did that make Edmond angry, but also when he found out the Fernand Mondego had married his wife to be only 1 month after being locked away. Being that they were friends once before made it that much harder for Edmond to believe everything that Fernand had done to him behind his back. There were lots of lies, betrayal, and false hoods as to why Edmond was even sent to prison. Throughout the whole movie everyone was told that he was dead. Edmonds approach to become revengeful toward Fernand might be criticized because many believe that vengeance has no justification no matter how the other person has harmed you. If society is not going to retaliate against a crime on your behalf it is not okay to take matters into your own hands. Most people would say that it would all depend on the situation, but I think that there is no situation that is so severe to where there would be justification for those actions. The Golden Rule states to do unto others as you would have them do to you. If you are treated wrongfully it does not give you the right to turn around and do the same or worse back to them. Otherwise the cycle will keep going in a circle and people will get hurt and they will get nowhere in life with that thought process. Before someone seeks vengeance they need to think about the utilitarianism theory which states that everyone should perform that act or follow that moral rule which will bring about the greatest good for everybody. Paying someone back for a wrong doing that they did to you is not moral or ethical at all under any circumstances. Stating that revenge and retributive have similarities would be a true statement. Revenge is the exact punishment or amends for a wrong on behalf of, especially in a resentful or vindictive spirit. Whereas retributive theory states that punishment should be given only when it is deserved and only to the extent that it is deserved, is concerned with the past rather than the future. It is also stated that punishment should be imposed by some person or group that has â€Å"duty constituted†moral or legal authority. Both are a form of punishment, but retributive is a type of punishment that has to be imposed by a legal authority. Revenge is an act of punishment but not by a legal authority. It is imposed on a person who has wrong someone else whether it was intentional or not. Overall revenge is a highly debated topic that everyone has their own opinions on. It is something that is frowned upon in many circumstances. Hurting someone because they have mistreated you is not the answer. The statement an eye for an eye and tooth for and a tooth for a tooth could be an extreme when murder is the circumstance. To each his own opinion, but I think that no matter the circumstance there is never justification for revenge. The Count of Monte Cristo The movie The Count of Monte Cristo took place in France in the nineteenth century around 1814 on the islands of Elba, Chateau d’If and Monte Cristo. This was during the time after the fall of Napoleon’s empire. The Count of Monte Cristo tells a story of betrayal, ultimate revenge, and undying love. Edmond Dantes, a sailor who was falsely accused of treason by his best friend was sentenced to prison where he plots his revenge against those who betrayed him. Armond Mondego the friend who out of jealousy plotted against Edmond to win the beautiful Mercedes and fortune was later destroyed by the revenge and hate of Edmond who became known as The Count of Monte Cristo. The string that Mercedes ties around her finger represents that she is bound to Edmond by undying love forever. The transformation that Edmond made in becoming The Count of Monte Cristo was the beginning to Edmond taking his life back; He became bold, dark and vengeful. Throughout the movie chess pieces are referred to as places of stature. Napoleon refers to kings and pawns as emperors and fools. When Edmond gains the position of captain of the Pharron ship Armond tells Edmond â€Å"victories are kings of the moment. †Armond hands Edmond a King as he is being arrested as a symbol to remind him of better days. In prison this chess piece is used as a reminder to Edmond of how he was betrayed and his life stripped from him. This later is returned to Mondago as his life falls apart because of the revenge from Edmond. The Count of Monte Cristo Bonaparte plot has been discovered,†Violator continued. PEG. 29 Edmond has been accused of a planning a Bonaparte plot. Since that is the case he will not be going home at all because this was a serious matter. Chi. 6: Violator went to the fire, threw the letter into the fire, threw the letter into the flames, and remained watching it until it was reduced to ashes. PEG. 36 This is foreshadowing Edmonds other enemy because instead of setting him free he is getting rid of the evidence that might be able to set him free. Chi. 7: Dante got up and quite naturally looked in the direction he boat was moving.Before him, at a distance of a hundred fathoms, rose the black, steep rock on which stood the frowning Chateau dif. PEG. 40 Edmond is realizing that he is heading to the most feared prison and that what he has been accused of is far beyond anything he has ever been apart of. Chi. 8: He was astonished at her beauty and dignity, and when she asked him what had become of him whom she loved he felt as though he were the culprit and she his Judge. PEG 45 Mercedes has such great beauty that it is making Violator regret sending Edmond away to his doom. Chi. : â€Å"Sire,†Violator answered, â€Å"l will give your majesty a faithful report.I have come to Paris with all speed to inform Your Majesty that, in the exercise of my duties, I have discovered a conspiracy; not one of those every day, meaningless, vulgar plots of the lower classes of our people, but a veritable tempest which threatens Your Majesty very throne. PEG. 50 What Violator is reporting to the King is foreshadowing the fall of the Kings throne because he is reporting to him false accusations. Also those of which he is accusing are innocent. Chi. 10: The King detached the cross of the Legion f Honor which he usually wore on his blue coat and giving it to Violator said: â€Å"In the meantime take this cross. PEG. 54-55 This shows that Violator has won over the trust of the King. The King is als o realizing that he is going to be taken over. Chi. 11: As for Dante, he remained a prisoner; hidden away in the depths of his dungeon he was ignorant of the downfall of Louis Xviii throne and the re-establishment of Napoleon. PEG. 56 This quote has is showing how Edmond is so lost into the depths of prison that he has little hope of knowing what is going on and that if he ever get out he will Have o idea of anything that has taken place.Chi. 12: Nearly four years had passed since he had taken this resolution; at the end of the second year he ceased to count the days. PEG. 60 Edmond had taken a resolution to kill himself of starvation but he could not do it. This is foreshadowing that he will live through prison and escape or be let out. Chi. 13: Dante threw himself into the arms of his new friend, for whom he had waited so impatiently and so long, and drew him toward the window that the little light that penetrated into his cell might reveal his features. PEG. 7 Edmond has not en a nyone except the gallery and to meet someone who has the same objective as him which is to escape from their wretched prison cells excites him and it gives him hope. Chi. 14:†Now, my dear friend,†Farina continued, looking at Dante with an almost paternal expression, â€Å"you know as much as I do; if we ever escape together half of my treasure is yours; if I die here and you escape alone the whole of it belongs to you. †PEG. 90 Farina now trusts Edmond and has told him about the treasure he wishes to obtain when he gets out of prison which he needs Edmonds help.Chi. 1 5: There is no hope,†Farina replied, shaking his head. â€Å"Oh, yes, yes! †exclaimed Dante, â€Å"l tell you I shall save you! †PEG. 93 Farina knows his death is coming by the fatal third attack and he is accepting it. Edmond does not want the death of his friend who is to help him escape so he does not want to except that fact that there is nothing he can do. Chi. 16: He h ad eaten nothing since the previous evening, but he had not thought of his hunger in the mourning, neither did he think of it now.This quote shows that Edmond is very determined to carry out his escape plot that nothing is phasing him to even hunger. Chi. 17: They would have to find some neutral ground where an exchange could be made, and then endeavor to land the goods on the coast of France. PEG. 108 This is foreshadowing that Edmond is going to finally be able to step foot in the Isle of Monte Crisis and that he will be able to find hid treasure. Chi. 18: Edmond opened his eyes, complained of a sharp pain in his knee, a feeling of heaviness in his head, and unbearable pain in his back.PEG. III Edmond has hurt himself in order to be able to be alone on the island to retrieve his treasure. Chi. 19: After he had touched, fingered, ride his trembling hands in the gold and precious stones, Edmond rose and rushed through the caves like a man seized with a frenzy. PEG. 116 Edmond has fo und the treasure he has been longing for and he is now very exciting and can't wait for the ship to come back and get him. Chi. 20: He had quite expected to hear of his farthest death, but what had become of Mercedes? PEG. 19 This quote shows that Edmond has not completely lost his mind and that he is being rational about what has happened to his father and the women he wished to marry. Chi. 21 : â€Å"It is how I have said,†replied Cadaverous. But,†continued the priest, â€Å"was the unhappy old man so completely forsaken by everyone that he died such a death? †PEG. 122 This quote is questioning whether Edmonds father deserved such a death as starvation because the worst and vilest animals don't even get such a death. Chi. 22: The babe rose, and twice paced around the room, pressing his trembling hand to his parched throat. And you believe he that he died of .. .†â€Å"Of hunger, monsieur, pure starvation,†said Cadaverous. PEG. 126 This quote i s implying that Edmonds father was so grief stricken that he didn't want to eat and that he was sad that his son was gone. Chi. 23: â€Å"The passage was doubtless made with a view to escape? †â€Å"Exactly, but unfortunately for the prisoners, the babe was seized with an attack of epilepsy and died. †PEG. 136 This is foreshadowing that Edmonds new ID might be compromised because it is known that he has escaped. Chi. 4: â€Å"The Pharaoh is your last hope, then? †â€Å"Absolutely the last. †PEG. 142 This quote is showing how Morel life and honor is at stake because he is in a lot of debt and if the Pharaoh doesn't come back with the money he needs he is going to kill himself. Chi. 25: muff are saved! You are saved! She threw herself into his arms, at the same time holding out to him a red silk purse. PEG. 153 Morel has been saved by Sinbad the Sailor by giving Morel's daughter enough money to pay her dad's debt in a purse. This also has saved him from killing himself.Chi. 26: mirror itinerary is impossible, or to say the least very dangerous. †â€Å"Dangerous! Why? †â€Å"Because of the bandit, Lugging Vamp. †PEG. 158 This is foreshadowing that they are going to meet up with the vile bandit Lugging Vamp. Chi. 27: â€Å"Upon my word, I think our neighbor must be some stockbroker who has speculated on the falloff Spanish funds; or else some rinse traveling incognito. †PEG. 167 Albert and Franz are excited upon meeting the Count and they know nothing about him so they are trying to figure out what he does and who he is. Chi. 8: â€Å"If my unknown be as amiable as she is beautiful,†said Albert, â€Å"l shall stay at Rome for tallest six weeks. †PEG. 176 Albert has an admirer and she has sent him a letter for which he is to meet her and if she has beauty he will stay in Rome for however long it takes. Chi. 29: â€Å"What conditions have I forgotten, Count? †inquired the bandit w ith the air of a man who, having committed an error, is noxious to repair it. PEG. 187 The Count has befriended Lugging Vamp by capturing him while Lugging was trying to capture him and he let him go in return that Lugging doesn't capture any of the Counts friends.Chi. 30: Monte Crisis passed Albert a piece of paper. â€Å"Number thirty, Champs Ulysses,†read Mercers. The young men stared at one another. PEG. 206 They are amazed at the Count because where he lives is one of the most beautiful places throughout Paris. Chi. 31 : Monte Crisis was a worthy appreciator of all things Albert had collected here: old cabinets, Japanese porcelain, Oriental tuffs, Venetian glass, weapons of all countries of the world; everything was familiar to him, and he recognized at a glance their date and country of origin.PEG. 207 The Monte Crisis is amazing Albert by knowing about every piece that Albert has collect and the Count impresses him by his knowledge. Chi. 32: â€Å"In that case, here is the card of my master, Baron Danglers,†PEG. 214 This is foreshadowing how the Count is going to start his plot for revenge against Danglers. Chi. 33: â€Å"My dappled grey? †cried out Madame Danglers, rushing to the window. Miss those are mine indeed! Danglers was astounded. PEG. 222 The Count has bought Mme Dandlers' horses and he returns them to her to gain her trust.Chi. 34: Monte Crisis replied: â€Å"Hayden, we are in France, you know, so you are free! †PEG. 228 Now that the Count is in France his slave Hayden is free but she doesn't want to leave him because she loves him this is foreshadowing a love between them. Chi. 35: â€Å"The last words he spoke were: ‘Macmillan, it was Edmond Dante! PEG. 235 This is foreshadowing that Macmillan is going to find out the Counts true identity because he knows it was Edmond who saved his father.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Singnifcane of Role of Media
Using materials from Item C and elsewhere, assess the view that the mass media represent young people as a problem group? (18 Marks) Youth are often portrayed as a ‘problem group’ in society, and as a major source of anti – social behaviour, particularly young working class, and especially African Caribbean, males. The Mass Media often generate this excitement by creating stereotypes of young people as troublemakers, layabouts and vandals, and by exaggerating the occasional deviant behaviour by a few young people out of the proportion to its real significance in society.Media strongly affects youth culture. The media executives are quick to defend their role in youth violence and bullying while selling millions of dollars in ads focused on youth. TV producers, network executives, motion picture companies and others in the media deny any impact of their programs on the attitudes and actions of youth. This essay using materials from Item C asses the view the mass me dia represent young people as a problem group. Some Sociologist argues that the mass media represent young people as a problem group.This has been argued by Cohen. He argues that young people are relatively powerless and an easily identifiable group to blame for society’s problems and therefore the mass media are able to represent young people as a problem group. In his study he found that African Caribbean males are often used as scapegoats by the media to create a sense of unity through the creation of moral panic. Where they generated moral panics based on stereotypes means that all young people from a specific group get labelled as troublemakers and an antisocial problem group.A recent event that backs up Cohen study is the protest of the Rising in tuition fees to ? 9000, where young people were see a bad and making the situation even worse by causing trouble. Thus, showing that the media represent young people as a problem group. However, Signorelli’s (1989) conte nt analysis of over 14,000 American television characters and found that not only young characters were represent as bad but also older characters were also represented as troublemakers. Which therefore show that the media equally represent different age groups as a problem.However, Jewkes (2004) points out that young people are the usual targets of moral panics, their behaves regarded as a barometer to test the usual target of moral panics, Young people are the usual target of moral panics, their behaviour is ‘regarded as a barometer to test the health or sickness of as society’ Furthermore, Pearson (1983) argues that contemporary images usually categorise young people as a problem. He argued that during the â€Å"golden age†media had represented young people with low rates of crime and the youth had respected the police.Pearson believes that the media are in a permanent panic about whatever manifestation of ‘youth as a problem’ is current: the Hoo ligans of Victorian Times, the Teds of the 1950s or the Travellers of today. A recent event that backs up Pearson’s theory is the London Summer 2010 Riots where young people were represented in the media as trouble makers and cause of the whole disturbance, although after research had been conducted more adults were found to be looting and rioting than young people.As well as, the media did not show much of the Young people gathering together to clean the streets of London. Therefore this shows that the media represents young people as problem groups. However Pearson theory has been criticised†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ In addition, Wayne et al. (2008) had conducted a content analysis of 2130 news items across all the main television channels during May 2006. They found that young people were mainly represented as a violent threat to society. They found that it was very rare for news items to feature a young pers on’s perspective or opinion.They note that the media only delivers a one-dimensional picture of youth, one that encourages fear and condemnation rather than understanding. Moreover, they argue that it distracts from the real problems that young people face in the modern world such as homelessness, not being able to get onto the housing ladder, unemployment or mental health and that these might be caused by society’s, or the government’s, failure to take the problems of youth seriously. Thus, showing the media represent young people as a problem group. Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã ¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The eNotes Blog R.I.P. Encylopedia Brittanica1768-2012
R.I.P. Encylopedia Brittanica1768-2012 My grandparents had them. They lined the den in their modest Indiana home. In the garage, outdated sets were stacked neatly in boxes. Every year, salesmen came to the doors of homes and schools peddling their wares. But all that is over. Encyclopedia Brittanica has announced that they will no longer offer their product in print. Its rather a sad passage for some of us older folk. There arent many businesses that can claim they were viable for over two hundred years. In 1768, Encyclopedia Brittanica published its first set of volumes in Edinburgh, Scotland and has been in continuous publication until this year. Its not difficult to understand what finally put the venerable company under. Two words: Wikipedia and Google. Publicly, the company claims that their online competition was not a deciding factor in killing their printed volumes but that seems difficult to believe. Not only is it much easier to access needed information quickly, its difficult to compete with free. A complete set of Encyclopedia Brittanicas runs some $1,395. Space, too, is a consideration. A full set consists of thirty-two volumes and weights upwards of 129 pounds. A good flashdrive, by contrast, could conceivably contain every entry in Wikipedia (26,603,553 pages) and fit comfortably in your pocket, with room to spare. While some champions of the old school encyclopedias decry Wikipedia for having factual errors, a study comparing errors in a sampling of Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Brittanica articles found that there were three errors in Brittanica entries and four in Wikipedia selections. And of course, factual errors are much easier to correct online than in print. Encyclopedia Brittanica prides itself on having experts write their entries. For example, Arnold Palmer penned the article about the Masters tournament. If you truly care about this sort of thing, you can still have access to Encyclopedia Brittanica online. But it will cost you $70 for an annual subscription.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Dangerous Household Chemicals in Common Products
Dangerous Household Chemicals in Common Products Many common household chemicals are dangerous. They may be reasonably safe when used as directed, yet contain toxic chemicals or degrade over time into a more dangerous chemical. Dangerous Household Chemicals Heres a list of some of the most dangerous household chemicals, including the ingredients to watch for and the nature of the risk. Air Fresheners. Air fresheners may contain any of a number of dangerous chemicals. Formaldehyde irritates the lungs and mucous membranes and may cause cancer. Petroleum distillates are flammable, irritate the eyes, skin, and lungs, and may cause fatal pulmonary edema in sensitive individuals. Some air fresheners contain p-dichlorobenzene, which is a toxic irritant. The aerosol propellants used in some products may be flammable and may cause nervous system damage if inhaled.Ammonia. Ammonia is a volatile compound that can irritate the respiratory system and mucous membranes if inhaled, can cause a chemical burn if it is spilled on skin, and will react with chlorinated products (e.g., bleach) to produce deadly chloramine gas.Antifreeze. Antifreeze is ethylene glycol, a chemical which is poisonous if swallowed. Breathing it can cause dizziness. Drinking antifreeze can cause serious brain, heart, kidney, and other internal organ damage. Ethylene glycol has a sweet flavor, so it is attractive to kids and pets. Antifreeze typically contains a chemical to make it taste bad, but the flavor is not always a sufficient deterrent. The sweet smell is enough to lure pets. Bleach. Household bleach contains sodium hypochlorite, a chemical that can cause irritation and damage to the skin and respiratory system if inhaled or spilled on the skin. Never mix bleach with ammonia or with toilet bowl cleaners or drain cleaners, as dangerous and possibly deadly fumes may be produced.Drain Cleaners. Drain cleaners typically contain lye (sodium hydroxide) or sulfuric acid. Either chemical is capable of causing an extremely serious chemical burn if splashed on the skin. They are toxic to drink. Splashing drain cleaner in the eyes may cause blindness.Laundry Detergent. Laundry detergents contain a variety of chemicals. Ingestion of cationic agents may cause nausea, vomiting, convulsion, and coma. Non-ionic detergents are irritants. Many people experience chemical sensitivity to dyes and perfumes present in some detergents.Mothballs. Mothballs are either p-dichlorobenzene or naphthalene. Both chemicals are toxic and known to cause dizziness, headaches, an d irritation to the eyes, skin, and respiratory system. Prolonged exposure can lead to liver damage and cataract formation. Motor Oil. Exposure to the hydrocarbons in motor oil can cause cancer. Many people are unaware that motor oil contains heavy metals, which can damage the nervous system and other organ systems.Oven Cleaner. The danger from oven cleaner depends on its composition. Some oven cleaners contain sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, which are extremely corrosive strong bases. These chemicals can be deadly if swallowed. They can cause chemical burns on the skin or in the lungs if the fumes are inhaled.Rat Poison. Rat poisons (rodenticides) are less lethal than they used to be, but remain poisonous to people and pets. Most rodenticides contain warfarin, a chemical which causes internal bleeding if ingested.Windshield Wiper Fluid. Wiper fluid is toxic if you drink it, plus some of the poisonous chemicals are absorbed through the skin, so it is toxic to touch. Swallowing ethylene glycol can cause brain, heart, and kidney damage, and possibly death. Inhalation can cause dizzin ess. The methanol in wiper fluid can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled, or ingested. Methanol damages brain, liver, and kidneys and can cause blindness. The isopropyl alcohol acts as a central nervous system depressant, causing drowsiness, unconsciousness, and potentially death.​
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Role of Secession in the American Civil War
The Role of Secession in the American Civil War The Civil War was a fight to preserve the Union which was the United States of America. From the conception of the Constitution, there were two differing opinions on the role of the federal government. Federalists believed that the federal government and the executive needed to maintain their power in order to ensure the survival of the union. On the other hand, anti-federalists held that states should retain much of their sovereignty within the new nation. Basically, they believed that each state should have the right to determine the laws within its own borders and should not be forced to follow the mandates of the federal government unless absolutely necessary. As time passed the rights of the states would often collide with various actions the federal government was taking. Arguments arose over taxation, tariffs, internal improvements, the military, and of course slavery. Northern Versus Southern Interests Increasingly, the Northern states squared off against the Southern states. One of the main reasons for this was that the economic interests of north and south were opposed to each other. The South was largely comprised of small and large plantations that grew crops such as cotton which were labor intensive. The North, on the other hand, was more of a manufacturing center, using raw materials to create finished goods. Slavery had been abolished in the north but continued in the south due to the need for inexpensive labor and the ingrained culture of the plantation era. As new states were added to the United States, compromises had to be reached concerning whether they would be admitted as slave or as free states. The fear of both groups was for the other to gain an unequal amount of power. If more slave states existed, for example, then they would garner more power in the nation. The Compromise of 1850 - Precursor to the Civil War The Compromise of 1850 was created to help stave off open conflict between the two sides. Among the five parts of the Compromise were two rather controversial acts. First Kansas and Nebraska were given the ability to decide for themselves whether they wanted to be slave or free. While Nebraska was decidedly a free state from the start, pro and anti-slavery forces traveled to Kansas to try and influence the decision. Open fighting broke out in the territory causing it to be known as Bleeding Kansas. Its fate would not be decided until 1861 when it would enter the union as a free state. The second controversial act was the Fugitive Slave Act which gave slave owners great latitude in traveling north to capture any escaped slaves. This act was hugely unpopular with both abolitionists and more moderate anti-slavery forces in the north. Abraham Lincolns Election Leads to Secession By 1860 the conflict between northern and southern interests had grown so strong that when Abraham Lincoln was elected president South Carolina became the first state to break off from the Union and form its own country. Ten more states would follow with secession: Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina. On February 9, 1861, the Confederate States of America was formed with Jefferson Davis as its president. The Civil War Begins Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as president in March 1861. On April 12, Confederate forces led by General P.T. Beauregard opened fire on Fort Sumter which was a federally held fort in South Carolina. This began the American Civil War. The Civil War lasted from 1861 until 1865. During this time, over 600,000 soldiers representing both sides were killed either by battle deaths or disease. Many, many more were wounded with estimates of more than 1/10th of all soldiers being wounded. Both the north and the south experienced major victories and defeats. However, by September 1864 with the taking of Atlanta, the North had gained the upper hand and the war would officially end on April 9, 1865. The Aftermath of the Civil War The beginning of the end for the Confederacy was with General Robert E. Lees unconditional surrender at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865. Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Union General Ulysses S. Grant. However, skirmishes and small battles continued to occur until the last general, Native American Stand Watie, surrendered on June 23, 1865. President Abraham Lincoln wanted to institute a liberal system of Reconstructing the South. However, his vision of Reconstruction was not to become reality after Abraham Lincolns assassination on April 14, 1865. The Radical Republicans wanted to deal harshly with the South. Military rule was instituted until Rutherford B. Hayes officially ended Reconstruction in 1876. The Civil War was a watershed event in the United States. The individual states after years of reconstruction would end up joined together in a stronger union. No longer would questions concerning secession or nullification be argued by individual states. Most importantly, the war officially ended slavery.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
The Things They Carried Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Things They Carried - Article Example In the rest of the story these items are used as a way of emphasizing the different kinds of emotional baggage that each man carries with him. Jimmy’s photographs signify his innocence and inexperience, while other photographs are used to remember partners and children. Some items denote rank, others denote role in the army, and still others provide much needed reminders of life at home, far from the war. One question which the book explores is how far the men live out their predestined fates – some returning from the war unharmed, while others are killed, and still others are damaged by physical or mental injury. By basing the story around these tiny objects, the author seems to be saying that people’s lives can be mapped out just from looking at what they have on their person. In some ways the book confirms this initial impression that everyone just follows a set plan, as if the objects are a map to the path that the person is fated to follow, but in other ways there is a deeper questioning of the whole meaning of war. It seems to me that the book is showing the reader that human life is not negotiable, and it is predestined to go a certain way, which in turn is decoded through everyday objects. It is true that people are largely controlled by a larger fate, but at the same time acts of heroism and love single out moments when people make moral choices, and this is not due to fate. The point is that acting out of free will is an exceptional thing, while following along a predetermined path is what most people find themselves
Friday, October 18, 2019
The Role of the United Nations in Conflict Management During the Cold Research Proposal
The Role of the United Nations in Conflict Management During the Cold War Era - Research Proposal Example As the war progressed, it became reorganized and other countries joined resulting in a military that was made up of seventy million personnel who were drawn from different warring countries. Stevenson (2004) noted that this war was referred to as the first deadliest war in history and it resulted in the death of 9 million people. The second major World War to have occurred in the World’s history is the Second World War that took place between the periods of 1939 to 1945, and it involved two opposing alliances namely the Axis and the Allies, which comprised of over thirty different countries. This Second World War ended with the highest number of fatalities who were placed in the range of fifty to eighty-five million people and it was caused by more or less the same factors that also caused the Second World War. McMahon wrote that after the Second World War, there was great tension primarily between the Soviet Union and the United States, which lasted between the periods of 1947 to 1991. This war was characterized by high levels of tension between the two conflicting sides and there was also mutual suspicion among the two enemies. According to Friedman, the United States, and the Soviet Union, which at that time were regarded as the World’s superpowers were engaged in the Cold War mainly because of economic and political difference between the two countries, as the US was pro-democracy while the Soviet Union was pro-communism. This present research study will focus on the Cold War, which is referred to as â€Å"cold†because of the fact that there were no incidences of large-scale fighting. In particular, this research study will seek to investigate the role that the United Nations played in managing the conflict that was associated with the Cold War considering that it was simply formed after the Second World War on 24th October 1945 to foster international co-operation.
People hit family members because they can Essay
People hit family members because they can - Essay Example Consider a couple named Chet and Margorie that had been married for ten years. Oftentimes Chet is a very domineering husband and many times has hit and abused his wife because he believed she did not do an adequate job of cleaning the house. While it’s easy to consider that Chet is just a violent person, one must also consider what would occur if Chet had a janitor that did not properly clean his office. In these regards, it seems clear that Chet would not attack the janitor. While Chet’s exact motivations are not easily discernable, Jacobson (1998) indicates that spousal abuse is oftentimes linked to dysfunctional relationship patterns and modes of communication within the household. Markowitz (2000) also indicates that spousal abuse more readily occurs, or is deemed ‘acceptable’ as compared to public violence, as the abuser is able to rely on the abused person’s emotional or financial dependence to ensure they will not receive punishment. In these regards, the abused person is often unable to leave or inform the authorities about the abuse because they rely on the abuser for their survival. While the earlier instance considers spousal abuse, family abuse also occurs in other forms. Consider the instance of David and Marie.
Deciding what is wrong and Right Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Deciding what is wrong and Right - Essay Example The moral sense pertains individual particular emotional act. An act is right if the agent during the moment of action feels emotional approval towards an action. In this sense, one tends to perform an act that he or she approves. One abstains from an action that the person disapproves. Some emotions are called approval and others disapproval. In most instances, there must be some level of truth in the choice one take. Another judgment of approval may or may not be right. Scholars like Aristotle, Plato, Kant, and Mill touches on the right or the wrong act as understood in ethics. Aristotle, Plato, Kant and Mill in their works talk at different levels of making the right decision. Aristotle represents virtue ethics. Kant talks about duty ethics. Mill discusses utilitarianism. The four writers dwell on morality in their search for the right actions or highest good. Aristotle’s view is in self-sufficiency in the fulfillment of the ultimate desire. He emphasizes the conformity with the personal virtues. He regards happiness as an activity of the soul in accord with the perfect virtue. To him, people have to behave right to achieve happiness. As Plato’s student, he loved to categorized things. Aristotle argues that for our actions to be moral or immoral, right or wrong, we must have a certain level of health and wealth. He adopted a scientific and empirical approach to the problems resulted from ethics. Happiness to Aristotle is achieved by acting moderately. What is good for one person may not be right for another person. The use of reason alone may not define what is best for him. Plato, Aristotle’s teacher, states that the good or right is of the knowledge, and the evil or wrong is from the lack of knowledge. Therefore, a question of a good act is purely intellectual. He argues that there is only one right course of action.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Discussion about Eurodisney case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Discussion about Eurodisney - Case Study Example The customs and day-to-day routine of Europe’s inhabitants proved to be different and unique compared to those experienced in America and China. Planning was, therefore, mostly based on assumptions made about observations recorded by researchers on European culture. For example, the team involved in the planning, was of the assumption that most Europeans do not take breakfast. They, therefore, made smaller dining areas for the serving of breakfast meals. The outcome of this was that thrice the predicted number of people showed up for breakfast. They also overestimated their annual growth expected figure. They forecast indicated a 1.5% annual growth rate (Warren, 2002). On the other hand, reasons for failure can be attributed to other factors and not on the failure of their project cost planning. For example, Europe began to suffer effects of high inflation. This automatically affected the whole project increasing the costs required to finance the entire project. The French government agreed to share the wealth that was soon to be generated from the project if it proved successful. French citizens, therefore, had to invest in the project by meeting some of the financial obligations. However, the high inflation rates affected most citizens’ ability to invest in the project. In addition, the production costs rocketed throughout the entire project (Warren, 2002). The case study is a clear and concise depiction of what happens in the real world. Most organizations prepare project cost plans when dealing with new projects. This is an extremely beneficial way in which the organizations can treat the new project as a separate entity. This helps to shield the organization from unforeseen risks, which can be, detrimental to the parent company. The entire plan relies on a system that will allow for the project to pay for all expenses incurred during its development (Warren, 2002). Project cost planning is common in businesses exposed to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Young Offenders and Youth Justice Research Paper
Young Offenders and Youth Justice - Research Paper Example There has been a concern of how the society views and deals with young people. Some people believe that juvenile engage in antisocial behaviors because of lack of good rearing by the parents, while others believe that the whole society has failed to instill morals to its young people. However, studies have documented that due to increase in poverty and technology, young people are involved in different crimes (Barnickol 430). Conversely, studies have also documented that culture dictates the parenting style, which in turn has a lot to do with the child’s development. In light with his, it has been argued that bad parenting style has effects on the behavior of a child. Although measures exist, it is apparent that they have not elucidated on how best strategies they use can comprehensively address the problem. What is currently evident is that these measures lessen the situation with little empirical approach being adopted in order to address the causes of anti-social behavior a mong young people (Hancock 142). In this regard, more emphasis has been on the correctional perspective, but this problem requires a comprehensive approach, which incorporates both correctional and preventive approaches. With such deliberations, the current research would be of help in utilizing theoretical frameworks in order to ascertain the best approaches to use in order to both correct and mitigate causes of anti-social behavior among young people. ... Another major concern involves poor parenting. It is believed that poor parenting can slowly develop a culture of unruly behavior. Parents who use permissive parenting style tend to unknowingly encourage their children to engage in unruly behaviors (Harr 64). However, some studies have noted that when parents are unable to provide basic necessities to their children, they have little control over their lives. To some parents, they become too busy to have quality time with their children. This way, children tend to imitate other people without any control of their actions (Gottfredson 94). In fact, when this continues and they realize their parents cannot control their lives, most of them indulge in drugs – something that highly contributes to delinquent behavior. An Introduction of Key Research Questions In regard to the above-mentioned issues, it is apparent that there is a need to have the issue of anti-social behaviors among young people addressed comprehensively (Gaines 28 ). The current research aims at presenting theoretical and comparative measures to not only reform the already existing youth justice system but also to provide a framework that can help reduce and prevent cases of anti-social behaviors among young people. In this scope, the hypothesis of the research argues that if community based programs that deal with child rearing can be introduced, the rate of juvenile anti-social behaviors can be reduced (Hodge 103). In this regard, the research aims to find solutions to the following questions, which will give an overview of causes of anti-social behavior among young people. 1. What causes of anti-social behavior among young people. 2. How effective are the programs designed to
Discussion about Eurodisney case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Discussion about Eurodisney - Case Study Example The customs and day-to-day routine of Europe’s inhabitants proved to be different and unique compared to those experienced in America and China. Planning was, therefore, mostly based on assumptions made about observations recorded by researchers on European culture. For example, the team involved in the planning, was of the assumption that most Europeans do not take breakfast. They, therefore, made smaller dining areas for the serving of breakfast meals. The outcome of this was that thrice the predicted number of people showed up for breakfast. They also overestimated their annual growth expected figure. They forecast indicated a 1.5% annual growth rate (Warren, 2002). On the other hand, reasons for failure can be attributed to other factors and not on the failure of their project cost planning. For example, Europe began to suffer effects of high inflation. This automatically affected the whole project increasing the costs required to finance the entire project. The French government agreed to share the wealth that was soon to be generated from the project if it proved successful. French citizens, therefore, had to invest in the project by meeting some of the financial obligations. However, the high inflation rates affected most citizens’ ability to invest in the project. In addition, the production costs rocketed throughout the entire project (Warren, 2002). The case study is a clear and concise depiction of what happens in the real world. Most organizations prepare project cost plans when dealing with new projects. This is an extremely beneficial way in which the organizations can treat the new project as a separate entity. This helps to shield the organization from unforeseen risks, which can be, detrimental to the parent company. The entire plan relies on a system that will allow for the project to pay for all expenses incurred during its development (Warren, 2002). Project cost planning is common in businesses exposed to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
My Experience, My Goals Essay Example for Free
My Experience, My Goals Essay I grew up in a country whose native language is not English. So, needless to say, the move from my native country to the United States has been difficult primarily because of the communication barriers I had to contend with. However, while English might not have been my first language, I grew up learning the language nevertheless. In my home, we had access to English shows which I was constantly exposed to at a very young age. This is the reason why I learned English without much conscious effort. The language learning was taking place at the sub-conscious level. Lu (2) said that in the acquisition of oral language, â€Å"young children are active agents†, constantly making sense of the inputs that they get from their surroundings in way that is meaningful to them. From these meanings, children then create their own sense of language rules, constantly refining and redefining these rules through active engagement and communication with the more competent language users in their immediate environment. (Lu 3) I realize that the constant exposure to the English language at a young age is the reason why I grew up knowing how to use it. There was never a conscious effort on my part to use or learn English, because it was already ingrained in my person. While the people in my household are not proficient in the language, there was an effort to know it, perhaps in preparation for our migration to the US. I had access to English books which strengthened my phonological and print awareness of the English alphabet. This happened side by side while I was learning my mother language as well and while my parents and older siblings were trying to learn English as well. As a child with a facility for the English language, I was subject to an excess of attention that I would not have received otherwise, had I just spoken our native tongue and nothing else. There is a prestige attached to the English language that makes people in my country take a second look and listen closely to what I have to say. Such is the high stature of the English language in my country that most people associate it with affluence and breeding. The situation changed once my family made the move to the United States. If you are multi-lingual, you are regarded as ethnic, especially if your pronunciation has a very thick and recognizable accent. You will be subject to stereotyping, and in some cases, be even regarded as second class citizens. While I am not saying that everyone will react negatively to your accent or your use of your mother language, it is a reality that there are some people who regard that with some amount of condescension. It is not necessarily a bad thing, just a natural part of human nature. Because language is one fundamental aspect of culture, it is therefore only natural that we become defined or identified by our native language. Difficulties can arise if we are not fluent in the standard language being used in a particular place. In such cases, when we do not know the standard language, we are immediately labeled as â€Å"foreigners†, or not born native to that place. While to some people this may not matter, the truth is that there are people who will take this against you. If there is any field that multilingualism is always an advantage, in the United States or elsewhere, and that is in the world of business. This is especially true in the age of globalism, where most business have international operations as well. Being multilingual means that I will be able to communicate with my colleagues at work, and at the same time be able to communicate with a client or supplier who speaks my native language. Actually, upon deeper reflection of my experiences, I have come to the conclusion that people do not react to your multilingualism as much as they are reacting to the accent or how you speak the English language. The more neutral your accent or the better your â€Å"American twang†, the better people regard you. And this is true regardless or what place you are in. What we speak and how we speak, reflects our history as an individual. How we speak makes a statement about who we are as a person and a measure of who we could be. Knowing how to speak in a second language will not be of much value if you cannot be understood because of how you say it. Pronunciation can be a barrier in communication, so being able to say words correctly is crucial. The good news is that once, you are fluent in English, the process of neutralizing the accent will come naturally especially in a natural English environment. After all is said and done, there is great satisfaction in not just being fluent in a second language, but also being able to say it properly and clearly. And this is what I am focusing on: working on fluency and pronunciation at the same time. In an era of globalization where English is the language of trade, the ability to communicate in the English language is a definite advantage. However with that being said, the value of the mother tongue should never be forgotten. The respect that we have for our own cultural heritage renders us with our own unique identities. And in an era of globalization, where everything is being homogenized we need to hang on to that identity or stand to lose ourselves. Works Cited Lu, Mei-Yu, Language Learning in Social and Cultural Contexts, ERIC Digest, 1998, Retrieved: April 14, 2008 from http://www. ericdigests. org/1999-2/language. htm
Monday, October 14, 2019
Academic Patient Communication for Nursing Students
Academic Patient Communication for Nursing Students The Patient Care (Feel-Link) Project (PCP(FL)) is to help students to develop a patient-centered approach to the practice of medicine. To achieve this, I and a medical student, Nicole need to follow and interview a patient in an effort to discover the patient lived experience regarding issues of health and illness. In this essay, the first PCP(FL) visit, my thoughts and feelings will be described and evaluated based on evidence from the literature sources. Griffiths and Crookes (2006, p.186) suggest that multidisciplinary teams are needed in the health care system to provide holistic care to patients with optimal use of existing resources, and limited cost. This project is the first step in enhancing interdisciplinary co-operation and understanding between nursing and medical students. Both I and Nicole are required to fill in a problem-oriented patient record (POPR) after each visit. We have to co-operate with each other to recruit and interview one patient with the help of nurse specialist (diabetes), Ms. Shimen Au at the Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals. The patient that we had recruited called Mrs. Leung who is a 52-year-old housewife. She is currently married and lives with her husband. Her husband was unemployed and they had financial support offered from the government. She was suffered from diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and rheumatoid arthritis about ten years ago and first diagnosed to have bipolar affective disorder at age of 22. After we had explained the aims of this project to Mrs. Leung, she signed two identical consent forms, one copy to be kept by the patient whilst the other to be returned to the tutor. Then, Nicole asked some basic demographic data based on the personal particular form. Mrs. Leung answered one by one accordingly. The POPR also requires us to gather very specific information, such as the past medical history and family backgrounds. When I had asked Mrs. Leung whether she had any children, suddenly the atmosphere in the room became silence. Mrs. Leung was not saying anything for a few seconds, and then she stated she did not have any children. I felt surprised that a married woman at her age should have more than one child already. She explained that doctors had recommended her not to be pregnant in the past. So she was currently living with her husband only but she claimed that the relationship between she and her husband was poor. She had a conflict with her husband just before taking taxi to the hospital. She honestly knew that the reasons why her husband always grumbled about her because of her laziness to cook and buy the necessities. There were quarrels with her husband almost every day. She felt guilty about it. I thought this might be caused by her mental illness and chronic diseases. According to Friedman (2002, p.193), social isolation is a major problem that chronically ill patients experience. Social relationships are often disrupted and jeopardized because of the patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s decreased energy, limitations in mobility, communication impairment, or time required for symptom control. Mrs. Leung usually slept for 13-14 hours per day but she graded the quality of sleep was poor. Even she rated her current level of health as very poor. She described her mobility in daily life had been affected by rheumatoid arthritis causing the swelling the knee joints and interphalangeal joints of hands. Therefore she never did any exercise. I was worried that she would become obese and thus increase the risks of falling and having cardiovascular diseases. I felt regret I had not encouraged Mrs. Leung to do some simple exercise regularly so as to keeping active and not staying in bed for all days. I needed to find some suitable exercise for her and advise her to do exercise in the next visit. Friedman (2002) points out à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“illness is especially likely to be subject to the influence of other people since it usually has important implications for a personà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s friends and associatesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ (p.64); Mrs. Leung was concerned that her first love with a Japanese man at the tender age of 19. She was still thinking about him and she had tried to commit suicide in the past. When her husband heard about she was talking about that Japanese man, they would have quarrels for a long period of time. The negative emotions could really influence people around the patient. I was speechless at that time and I could only say to Mrs. Leung that her husband was care about her and tell her not to think about the past anymore. I thought I would perform better in the next visit as I had known some basic information of Mrs. Leung already. In conclusion, I think it is right that a nurse must be able to express opinions clearly and confidently. Good communication skills are essential for nurses, and are important in nearly all aspects of medicine. I feel that I will be more confident in dealing with patients and more effective in taking a patient medical history, for example. Developing greater confidence in how I communicate can lead to patients having greater trust in me as their nurse. Improving my skills in this area will also make me more effective in discussing cases with colleagues, and in participating in teams when necessary. This visit made me realized that I can talk confidently once I overcome my initial fears. It demonstrated to me that in order to make progress or create positive change you must first acknowledge that a problem exists. This is a lesson which may be useful in better understanding patient behaviour and attitudes. Often the first step to improving a situation, or dealing with a problem, is accepting that some change is necessary; and I might be more able to impart this information to patients having experienced this visit. Overall, this visit has had a positive impact on both my studies and on the development of skills needed in my future career. (Word count: 988words)
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